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Attachments to people

Attachments to people

Attachments to people

Very often we become so attached to people that we suffer when they are not around. And we suffer even more when they leave, don’t want to communicate with us, abandon us… Especially if children, parents, friends, lovers don’t want to communicate…
Attachments and addictions are the low energies of our ego. This is selfishness and pride.
Everyone around us is free Divine beings. They don’t belong to us. Even our children. Everyone has the right to choose: to communicate with us or not. This is their choice!
Children are Souls who came to experience the Earth. We, as parents, help them get on their feet for an independent life, so that we can then release them into it.
Of course, it’s great if people are close. But when we begin to suffer from the fact that someone is not around, this is a manifestation of our ego, which is better to get rid of so that life can be full, interesting and happy.
Many people are attached to others because they look for themselves in them. They look for themselves in children, in husband or wife, in family, in friends… And this is their illusion. They suffer from it.
The feeling of loneliness is a loss of oneself, an illusory search for oneself in the outside world, and not within.
And if you feel that you have such attachments to loved ones that bring suffering (resentment, condemnation, claims, worries, anger, jealousy…), then Realize that you are living in an illusion.
Start taking care of yourself. Look for yourself not in the outside world (in others), but inside! Go deep into yourself, into peace and silence. You will find Divine grace within yourself. Then you will never feel lonely again. You will become whole!
With love,
Magda Funia.
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