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The Earth took a powerful hit of radiation

The Earth took a powerful hit of radiation

The Earth took a powerful hit of radiation

The Earth received a powerful blow of radiation of a billion degrees as a result of a solar flare. The norm of heavy particles that the star “shot” was exceeded 10 times.
An unusual cosmic phenomenon was reported by the Solar Astronomy Laboratory of the Space Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Experts noted: the Sun struck with heavy particles (mainly protons of very high energies) early in the morning (06/08/2024) – at 6 o’clock Moscow time. If you convert the energy they contain into temperature, it will be about a billion degrees Celsius.
The norm for the content of these particles in space has already been exceeded 10 times. And this situation will continue for another two or three days. These particles have not yet been able to reach the Earth’s surface – they are restrained by layers of the atmosphere, but the background radiation in low-Earth orbit is significantly increased.
As scientists say, satellites that fly in high orbits have already been damaged. This can be seen from the pictures they send. The photographs are speckled with white specks, like snow, as a result of particles penetrating into the camera’s sensor. It is still unclear whether this outbreak affected the ISS.
The blow was caused by a double solar flare, close to the X-class, which occurred in the same active region 3697, which has not left the Earth alone for the second month, the laboratory reports.
Astronomers do not rule out that in two days a plasma shock will hit the Earth and magnetic storms will begin. Magnetic storms can disrupt the operation of some devices. In addition, people suffering from heart disease are sensitive to them.
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