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May 26

May 26

Father Absolute – Two realities (Individual approach)
May 26, 2024

Hello, my dear beloved children!
As a continuation of my previous message, today we will talk about how you can speed up the process of reorienting the globalist associations and organizations of various kinds that exist in your society to those that will serve humanity.
Of course, for this to happen there must be a change in leadership in the power structures of these organizations.
And the first step towards this may be to expose all the criminal acts of the ruling elite.
Recently, a lot of information has appeared about the plans of globalists leading to the destruction of humanity.
You and I have already talked a lot and in detail about each of the points of this plan, so now I want to focus your attention on something else: how best to convey this to people who are far from this topic.
First of all, you need to remember that every person shows interest in what is closest to him.
So, for example, a person who does not have children and is far from educational issues is unlikely to be interested in what is happening now in the educational system, and a person who knows nothing about biology and medicine is unlikely to accept your reasoning about the dangers of vaccines that carry foreign gene
The same goes for climate change, food issues, transgender perversion and other favorite topics of the deep state.
Therefore, first of all, always try to find common ground with the person with whom you happen to communicate, and focus his attention on topics that he understands.
And only then can you begin to reveal them in detail and in a new light, citing authoritative sources of scientific origin.
And now there are many of them, since representatives of the deep state are in a hurry and make many mistakes, trying to implement their plans too actively, as a result of which they sometimes act rudely and carelessly.
People see this, and therefore your explanations of what is happening will fall on already prepared ground.
What would have been viewed with ridicule and considered conspiracy theories just a few years ago will now be accepted with understanding.
Time is now compressing like a spring, pushing out everything that was hidden for the time being.
And the more people you manage to open their eyes to what is happening in various areas of your life, the sooner a critical mass of popular insight will accumulate, which will even energetically affect the course of events on Earth, and therefore those who still hold on to the pinnacle of power .
This is where we will stop today.
The Father Absolute, who loves you immensely, spoke to you.
Channeled by Marta on May 26, 2024
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