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June 14

Daily Message by Shelley Young – June 14

Your acceptance is what allows the universe to deliver to you. If you are not willing to receive, it is much like ordering things from afar and then putting a sign up on your door stating “no deliveries please”. So open up, Dear Ones! Allow yourself to give and receive, to love and be loved, to intend and then enjoy your creations. That is the joy of being a co-creator and expander of experience on your planet. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

June 13

Daily Message by Shelley Young – June 13

Dear Ones, if a situation becomes more and more uncomfortable for you, it is a sign that it is not being energetically supported for you and that there is something else that is a better energetic match. The discomfort exists to get you to prepare for and embrace change. You get to decide how great that discomfort gets.
Some of you will become very adept at reading the signs and willingly embracing where the energy is trying to move you, others will need to get quite uncomfortable to be absolutely sure it is time to move on before they allow themselves to let something go. There is no right or wrong, simply your personal choice of how much unease you wish to experience before you move into the unknown of your next great adventure.
Please know that the universe is never out to punish you! It only ever gets as strong as necessary for your soul to get your attention and to lead you to your next perfect match. The more you get comfortable with practicing self love and reading subtle energies, the more your path will smooth out with greater grace and ease, not because the universe loves you any more than it already does, but simply because you are willingly embracing the flow. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

June 12

Daily Message by Shelley Young – June 12

If you are just getting by, living from pay check to pay check, always just meeting what your needs are, you may be surprised to hear us say that is a sign that the law of attraction is working perfectly for you. Your goal, which is firmly set on the meeting of your immediate needs, is being met by the universe.
If you are frustrated by always just getting by, please know it is not that the universe isn’t loving and supporting you, or meeting your efforts. It is simply a matter of focus.
Dear Ones, if you are wishing to experience more ease in your lives, we encourage you to create beyond. Yes, be aware of your needs and obligations, but place your focus on the greater abundance that is available to you that exists beyond merely scraping by. Don’t be afraid to expand!
When you focus into creating beyond your immediate needs, you hold the energy and focus that those immediate needs are already taken care of. You leave room for the universe to show you new potentials, to surprise you with things you didn’t know were possible – new solutions and possibilities that can create far greater joy and comfort for you.
You make room for expansion and discovery, which is exactly what your soul always yearns to do, which is why it gets uncomfortable in the constrained space of just getting by. Know your discomfort is always a sign that there are greater potentials for you, and allow yourself to start to play in the endless possibilities beyond the energies of what is already known. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

June 11

Daily Message by Shelley Young – June 11

What are you feeding and watering in your garden of experience with your focus right now? ~Archangel Gabriel though Shelley Young

June 10

Daily Message by Shelley Young – June 10

The act of surrendering with intention is choosing to move into assisted flow that will take you to your desired experience. It is a powerful means of co-creation and conscious navigation. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

June 7

Daily Message by Shelley Young – June 7

Dear Ones, if you are experiencing ebb and flow in any area of your life, it is a clear sign you are supported and guided for ebb and flow is the natural rhythm of the universe and how it provides for you in all ways. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

June 6

Daily Message by Shelley Young – June 6

Dear Ones, for every shift you experience, brand new potentials and possibilities are available to you. You are at the point where you are shifting almost continuously! That means there are options you could never have imagined opening up for you on a regular basis. This is why we say expect the unexpected this year because you have shifted so continuously and profoundly, new, never before seen options can make themselves known to you.
Do you see what that means? Every day is a brand new day filled with promise and opportunity. Be open to being shown what is now possible through your surrender, faith, flow, trust, and acceptance. Allow the universe to lead you to your next grand adventure through the unfoldment. You have worked hard to get to this place, so joyfully embrace the new options that can now show up for you due to your consistent efforts and evolution. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

June 5

Daily Message by Shelley Young – June 5

There can be a tendency when human beings get uncomfortable to look to an external to make themselves feel better. This comes from the old belief system that Source is outside of you, that it is separate, rather than something you are a beloved and integral part of. So we would say that your discomfort is caused by trying to navigate through the illusion of separation, rather than embracing the infinite support that exists right within you.
Looking for an external to make you whole would be like trying to find your own humanity by looking outside of yourself. You could never discover your own humanity until you realized it was innately who you are. It is the same with your divinity.
So align, Dear Ones! Simply deciding to move back into accepting the love and support of Source that has always been there for you – to acknowledge that it is part of your divine birthright and beingness – can make all the difference in the world. It is getting back onto your own charging station, so to speak, cleansing and recalibrating you with everything you could ever need. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

June 4

Daily Message by Shelley Young – June 4

Dear Ones, your world is in a time that is ripe for change. The shift that is being made is from old 3D models of power into authentic power, or empowerment. This is why you are seeing displays of power that seem outrageous and amplified. These acts not only get people’s attention, they also get people thinking about what power is, and what it isn’t.
Your world will change when people meld empathy with authentic power and lead from there. Each of you are invited, right now, to explore your own empowerment and how you can best embody your own version of power, for that is how you will continue to drive the shift and become powerful teachers by example.
When themes come to the forefront of your consciousness on the planet, it means that they are there to be examined, evaluated, and transformed, for with awareness comes true opportunity for change. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

June 3

Daily Message by Shelley Young – June 3

Dear Ones, discomfort is simply a redirectional tool. You are not being tested, being taught a lesson, being punished, missing the boat, or needing to prove yourself in any way. All the discomfort is saying to you is, “Not this way”, and encouraging you to try another route. It is simply a means of self guidance. It is not one bit more complicated than that. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
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