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Unexpected things that steal your feminine energy

Unexpected things that steal your feminine energy

Unexpected things that steal your feminine energy

You’d be surprised, but these seemingly small things can, if not make you depressed, spoil your mood for a long time.
There are many things that a man, for example, may not pay attention to, but will certainly drive a woman crazy and this will definitely have a negative effect on her energy level. The following is a list of things that can significantly reduce a woman’s energy:
Chaos in the house
Women by nature are supposed to be guardians of the hearth, to note the position of each thing in space, to remember what, how and where it is, and generally to ensure coziness and comfort for everyone at home. But messy things, accumulated garbage and even the slightest hint of dirt can spoil the mood of ladies for a long time and lead them to stress. This, of course, does not apply to men, who can safely sleep in a house with dirty dishes piled up and food wrappers or dirty socks scattered in every corner.
To be fair though, let’s note that not all men are like this. Some of them are still pedantic and also feel uneasy if they notice that something is out of place, that the glasses are not arranged or that it is time to wipe the dust.
Troubled sleep
In order to look good, we ladies need a sound and long sleep. Even scientists have confirmed that women should sleep more than men. But, alas, unlike the representatives of the stronger sex, who, as soon as their heads touch the pillow, are immediately transported to the lands of Morpheus, we are very light sleepers and jump at every rustle. As a result, we wake up angry, sleep deprived and with bruises under our eyes.
Therefore, to stay attractive and desirable for as long as possible, just try to go to bed earlier.
Bad sex or lack thereof
Although in many married couples the passion fades with time, and the fulfillment of conjugal duties often takes about 5 minutes at most and is more like physical exercise than love, this cannot be tolerated at all. A woman needs positive emotions to feel sexy. This is the only way she will be happy, and accordingly everyone at home.
Constant guilt
Unfortunately, women are more often victims of manipulation by men both personally and professionally. Psychologists explain that women and men react differently to accusations against them.
While the representatives of the stronger sex immediately begin to defend their innocence or even use their fists, women, as a rule, immediately admit their guilt (although, perhaps, they have nothing to do with it at all) and quickly try to correct everything so that make others feel good. As a result, others will really feel good, but remember that in this case your feminine energy will suffer.
Endless communication with friends
Girlfriends, of course, are very necessary, and talking to them can relieve stress and tension, as well as fill you with new emotions. But only in measured quantities! The same psychologists assure that if a lady, say, gossips all day, sits on social networks and wastes valuable time discussing the world and others, she will eventually feel tired, exhausted and emotionally spent. Therefore, you need to know when to stop or engage in such conversations after you are done with your priorities and important tasks.
Unreasonable anxiety
Women, unlike men, are capable of multitasking and thinking about even more in their minds. Often, so much side information creeps into our thoughts that our “processor” simply cannot cope with the “viruses” – subconscious fears, small unfulfilled tasks and memories, or the fact that someone looked at us askance.
A great way to get rid of this energy drain is to write down everything that worries you on a piece of paper and analyze it. And then burn it with a clear conscience.
Author Antonia Mihailova
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