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Why is it difficult to undergo transformation

Why is it difficult to undergo transformation

Why is it difficult to undergo transformation?

From it you either fly up, because you feel inspired by a Divine being, the Light on Earth… then you feel a fall, as if you have no strength, the energy has gone, and negativity is bursting out from within…
And that’s okay. This is how the process of purification and raising vibrationally goes up.
When it’s hard for you, internal cleansing processes take place. Templates, blocks and illusions are removed from the deepest levels. They come out in the form of negativity.
Try to be less involved in it, not to react, not to judge yourself. Don’t let him touch you, don’t get hung up on him, don’t give him power.
Live Consciously and just know that this is transformation. Harmonize yourself.
When you feel inner lightness, spiritual flight, inspiration to create… then this is an energetic leap upward. Don’t miss it! Create and express yourself on Earth. Follow your Soul and boldly fulfill its desires, without delaying until later.
You are like a phoenix. Either you fly on the fiery Divine wings of your Soul, or you burn in the flame of transformation in order to be reborn and move to a new spiritual level.
You are constantly updated!
Therefore, accept both the pleasant moments of creative spiritual flight and the difficult moments of transformation.
All this is necessary for your transformation!
With love to everyone,
Magda Funia.
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