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Recurring dreams

Recurring dreams

Recurring dreams: what they mean and how they can change your life

Recurring dreams have a mysterious effect on our lives. Hidden in the subconscious, they come to the surface again and again, prompting us to look deeper.
Through these dreams, the subconscious attracts our attention and suggests solutions to problems that we face in real life. The more intense and memorable the dream, the more attention you need to pay to it.
The main idea behind recurring dreams is that they contain an important message about a situation that has been bothering us for a long time.
So, what are these dreams trying to tell us?
Most recurring dreams and nightmares have their origins in our childhood and adolescence. These dreams indicate the need to correct aspects of our lives that are negatively affecting us. These may be behavioral patterns, limiting beliefs or personality traits. By leaving these issues unresolved, we risk our mental health. Unfortunately, everyday stress will always be there, but understanding and resolving internal conflicts can help us cope better with it.
Negative elements that haunt us in dreams, whether demons or monsters, according to psychiatrist Carl Jung, who called them “shadows,” may represent parts of ourselves that we criticize and try to get rid of. They may be intentional or exist without our awareness. Once we accept these “shadows” and reconnect with them, they will stop haunting us.
Common symbols in recurring dreams and their interpretation:
Stalking or Attacking: The Stalker symbolizes the part of ourselves that we fear. It is a version of an unacceptable part of our personality that will benefit us if we learn to express it correctly.
Free falling: Falling in a dream can symbolize feelings of loss of control, anxiety, or lack of support. It can mean the need to “get down to earth” and gain control over life.
Your car is out of control: This dream could mean that we are losing control of the situation. It indicates the need to slow down and enjoy life.
Unprepared for an exam: This dream may reflect feelings of being unprepared for an important event or task. It may indicate the need for additional preparation and attention to priorities.
You cannot speak or move: This dream symbolizes feelings of hopelessness and inability to express your true feelings. Perhaps we feel trapped by life’s circumstances.
You are naked in public without anyone noticing: This dream indicates feelings of vulnerability and insecurity. The fact that others do not notice our shame suggests that this is our internal experience.
You are trapped: This dream means that we feel stuck in life. It suggests the need to be more open and ready for change.
You don’t see faces, but you know who these people are: This dream may symbolize the search for your identity or difficulties in establishing rapport with other people. It can also reflect our fears and insecurities.
You are lost: This dream may come from frustration or a feeling of losing yourself. It may indicate the need to reconsider your life paths and find true desires.
Recurring dreams, despite their mystery and strangeness, are important in our lives. It is worth paying attention to what our subconscious is trying to tell us. If you can decipher these hidden messages, you may be able to take better control of your present and future life. During sleep, we can solve problems and make room to make better decisions.
Marina Karaseva
P.S. Recurring dreams are suggestions/hints of the higher self and it is good to pay attention to them, but in no case do I recommend taking such a mechanical interpretation seriously – they certainly have a symbolic meaning, but it is best to pay attention to your inner feelings. Yosif Yorgov
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