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You won’t believe what Padre Pio predicted for 2024

You won’t believe what Padre Pio predicted for 2024

You won’t believe what Padre Pio predicted for 2024

Italian priest and mystic Padre Pio became famous for a prophecy so eerie that it still frightens many people today: the prediction of “Three Days of Darkness.” Will 2024 be the year when the terrible prophecy comes true? Frank Schwede
“Three days of darkness” are described by many prophets. The most frequently mentioned are Alois Irlmayer and the Italian Padre Pio from Pietrelcina. A great healer and spiritual guide with extraordinary powers who is said to have carried the five stigmata of Jesus Christ.
It is often said that an eclipse follows a major war and is associated with galactic events. This is what author Stefan Berndt writes in his book 3 Days of Late Autumn.
However, it is still not entirely clear what triggers this event. One thing is clear: the Italian priest viewed this scenario in a strictly Christian context.
According to Pio, this is a divine event that will influence people in times of spiritual oblivion and barbarism to strengthen their faith again.
Anyone who now believes that this is a purely Christian prophecy is mistaken. This is also mentioned in the hadith. A book from the Arab region in which the traditions, actions and deeds of Muhammad can be found.
The book dates from around 800 AD. The darkness is described in the section of the text entitled “The Gate of Repentance.” Among other things, it says that in three days the sun will rise in the west. A hint of a pole shift? (Is the stage being set for a prophecy of a global food crisis like Revelation 6:6?)
The three-day darkness was predicted not only by clairvoyants in the Christian West, but also by North American Indians and the Mongols.
But above all, Christians believe that God will complete His Kingdom on the Day of the Lord and that God’s justice will prevail throughout the world. At this time, the old world is replaced by a new one, often called the “Golden Age” or the Age of Aquarius.
It is difficult to imagine that the old world will turn into ruins and ashes. But how should we understand the prophecy?
Was Padre Pio in contact with Jesus Christ?
Padre Pio claimed that he received inspiration from Jesus Christ himself, who is said to have said that people’s sinful and unbelieving lives are to blame for God’s punishment.
The prophecy has many parallels with the biblical flood, which God brought to earth as a great cleansing. First of all, it is the broken mentality of modern civilization that has repeatedly led to crises and wars over the past hundred years, as most people sacrifice everything to further expand their wealth and power.
Padre Pio describes what happens in Three Days of Darkness in two paragraphs:
“The darkness will begin on a very cold night with howling winds and flashing lightning. The next morning the sun will not rise and it will be dark. Storms, storms, lightning and earthquakes will cover the earth.
A constant rain of fire will fall. During this time, a third of all people will die. After this, the stars will rise again in the sky, and the spirit of peace will descend to earth.”
The priest further writes that believers who remain in their houses and apartments behind darkened windows and pray in front of wax candles will survive this event unharmed, while non-believers will perish.
Two important questions arise here: can you survive a catastrophe of this magnitude and, above all, do you want to, because the earth will be completely destroyed?
The fact that 70 hours later the believers wake up in a new world with the first ray of sunlight sounds not only cynical, but also otherworldly and is almost proof that the prophecy should be seen as a metaphor.
Even those who survive the disaster will die because there will be no more food. This means that the Earth will be uninhabitable for a long time. Nostradamus also mentioned this event. He described it as a reversal of polarity.
An event that will take humanity by surprise and will have devastating consequences for the entire planet and humanity.
Experts suspect that the biblical flood was also caused by a pole shift, which made the Earth uninhabitable for a long time.
Church distances itself from prophecy
Padre Pio, called a saint on June 16, 2002, made a number of prophecies. Among other things, he predicted that the young priest Karol Wojtyla would become Pope. It is said that he even announced an assassination attempt on John Paul II in 1981, who was effectively appointed head of the Catholic Church.
To date, it has not been unequivocally proven that the prophecy of the “Three Days of Darkness” came from Padre Pio. The Capuchin Order, to which the padre belonged, even officially denied that the saint had ever made such a prediction.
However, a number of believers to this day insist that the priest warned about the coming days of darkness in a letter to the Vatican Annunciation Commission.
The fact is that the Church has not yet accepted this prophecy as official doctrine. This means that it is not an established religious doctrine, but rather a subject of eschatology.
The call to repentance is a traditional theme of Christian es chatology, dedicated to the end times, especially the prophetic teaching about hopes for the improvement of the individual and all creation.
Padre Pio is also credited with a number of letters that are said to be from Jesus Christ. The works must be deep and spiritual.
One of the letters is said to deal with the apocalyptic themes of biblical prophecy. The document speaks of a great tribulation comparable to the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah and warns of imminent and imminent divine judgment.
Jesus’ message is not only dramatic, but above all, urgent. Literally it says:
“My son, my son. I have longed for this hour when I will reveal to you the great love of my heart. Pray and be reconciled to me and exhort others to do the same for the time when I visit my unfaithful people, because they have despised the time of my grace.”
The letter ends with a reminder of the coming judgment, which will strike like lightning and mercilessly destroy evil. These words are something of a final warning and an indication of the power of divine justice and the ultimate reality of God’s rule.
Especially in these difficult times, many believers are reminded of these words because they firmly believe that the time of the “Three Days of Darkness” has come right now.
A big war could start at any moment
Three days of darkness are said to precede World War III, which is expected to begin in the summer and last three months. Stefan Berndt writes about this in his book.
The war begins with a major attack from the east. There are sources that even name Russia as the attacker. The final battle of the Rhine is expected to take place, but before the war in Europe escalates to nuclear levels, it must end in three days of darkness.
The fact is: never before has the world been so close to the brink of nuclear war as it is now. A major war between the NATO alliance and Russia could break out at almost any minute.
Should there actually be a three-day eclipse in 2024, perhaps in late autumn, as Stefan Berndt writes? Many visionaries are convinced that this event will test the faith and resilience of humanity.
They say that Padre Pio repeatedly emphasized the importance of not leaving your houses and apartments at night. He warned that the outside world would be full of dangers during these three days.
Of course, this invitation primarily serves to turn inward to strengthen one’s own faith. The windows should be carefully closed so that no light from outside can enter and no one is tempted to look outside.
Lighting the blessed beeswax candles is another important point, because these are not ordinary candles, because they symbolize divine protection and represent the purity and light of Christ.
Prayer plays another important role; in particular, the rosary is recommended as a means of communication with God.
This means that the three-day darkness serves primarily as an internal cleansing of hearts and the world, from which a new world awakens in which God takes control.
Satan and his followers will be buried on these three symbolic days. These days he will be there with a lot of sulfur in his breath to convert as many doubters as possible and make them repent. This is why it is important to close and darken windows and doors.
“Three days of darkness” is a metaphor. They serve for inner contemplation, purification of the spirit and restoration of trust in God, which most people have lost.
Closing windows and doors and going dark essentially helps you not to be influenced by the outside world and seek the truth deep within.
The three-day darkness could also be an indication that Jesus rose from the dead after three days and that one day this will happen to the earth and humanity – but it is up to each person to find out when this will happen.
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