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The giant hail is just the beginning

The giant hail is just the beginning

The giant hail is just the beginning. The hail will burn!

Snow in the middle of summer was promised by Rasputin, and hail the size of a talent (25 liters) was predicted in the Bible, but people don’t know much about this and in Texas, for example, they joyfully measure their tits:
Interesting things to do in India. Last week people were dying from the heat there, and now in some states it’s something like this:
If you believe the ancient prophets (and there is no reason not to believe them), then there will be more. But how much more? Will everything be limited to 25-kilogram blocks falling from the sky?  Wise rabbis write that it will be even cooler:
Although the biblical exodus from Egypt was preceded by a catastrophic hail storm, last week’s ice storm in Colorado fell short of the seventh plague. The Bible describes the hail that struck Egypt as a mixture of fire and ice .
The hail was very strong, fire sparkled in the midst of the hail, such a thing had not fallen on the land of Egypt since it became a people. Exodus 9:24
Indeed, increasing hailstorms echoing the Egyptian plague may set the stage for the ultimate redemption. Jewish sources predict that all plagues will reappear at the time of the final Atonement, but in even stronger forms.
Midrash Tanchuma, a homiletical teaching compiled around the fifth century, writes that “as God smote the Egyptians with ten plagues, so He will also smite the enemies of the Jewish people at the time of Atonement.”
This concept was explained by Rabbi Bahya ben Asher, a 13th-century Spanish commentator who wrote: “In Egypt, God used only a part of His power. When the final redemption comes, God will reveal much more of His power.”
Why the hail became so large, why it began to fall in the middle of summer, covering everything as if with snow, we tried to explain, suggesting, as it were, “cold corridors” cut into the atmosphere from space. Or maybe the upper layers of the atmosphere are now moving in waves, like the ocean during a strong wind. And where the atmosphere sags, the water instantly freezes and falls out in huge chunks of ice. But how and why can ice burn!?
We don’t yet know the exact answer to this question, but, as we noted above, there is no reason not to trust the ancient texts. Perhaps gas hydrates will form in the atmosphere, perhaps methane or other flammable gases (such as hydrogen) will collect in the upper atmosphere and freeze in bubbles inside ice blocks. As soon as the phenomenon manifests itself, it will be clear, so we will monitor  the development of events.
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