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May 23

May 23

Father Absolute – Two Realities (The Imaginary “Elite”)
May 23, 2024

Hello, my dear beloved children!
Today we will continue the conversation about what laws are in the modern world.
The legislative sphere of your life has not remained aloof from the turbulent events now taking place on Earth, and is undergoing profound changes.
And this is explained by the fact that the puppets of the deep state in power need a legislative framework to implement the plans of their “masters.”
Therefore, any means are used to ensure that the laws they need are adopted by the legislative assemblies of their countries.
And the main “tool” for this is lobbying deputies of the highest legislative bodies.
Everything is used: bribery, blackmail, intimidation, promises of high positions – the main thing is that deputies vote for the laws the globalists need.
Thus, there is no longer any need to resort to hidden legal tricks.
Now everything is done quite openly in the hope that people going about their daily affairs do not monitor what is happening in the government authorities of their countries.
As a result, the authorities in many countries of the world have already become so disconnected from the people that they live their own lives – well-fed and prosperous, without having any idea what is happening to those who delegated them to this power.
This was precisely the main goal of the globalists: to completely tear the ruling elite, including high-ranking officials, away from the people.
This imaginary “elitism”, to which they began to classify themselves, played a cruel joke on them.
They themselves did not notice how they found themselves completely dependent on their patrons – those who provided them with such a well-fed existence, and now more than anything else they are afraid of losing their warm places and the “beautiful” life to which they are already so accustomed.
And now, when events on Earth are in many ways beginning to develop no longer according to the plans of the globalists, this artificially created “elite” found itself between two fires.
On the one hand, these are citizens of their countries dissatisfied with their work, and on the other, their “benefactors,” whom they fear much more than the people, since almost each of them has their own “skeleton in the closet” with which they can be blackmailed.
Thus, now on Earth there is a unique situation where the government is not only completely divorced from the people, but is also not free in its actions, since it is forced to carry out not the will of the people, but the clear orders and instructions of its patrons.
This is where we will stop today.
The Father Absolute, who loves you immeasurably, spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on May 23, 2024
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