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June 3

June 3

Lucifer – They need your support
June 3, 2024

Hello, my dear bright souls!
Today I want to explain to you why it is so slowly and with such difficulty that honest and decent people, uncontrolled by globalists, are able to win space in the power structures of both state and international organizations.
Those who closely follow world events probably see such people, but so far they are perceived by them, rather, as “knights” or “Don Quixotes” fighting the “windmills” of deep state politics.
In fact, this is so, since the mutual responsibility of the globalist puppets has now reached its peak.
If someone else – not from their circle – breaks through to high government positions, then he is subjected to severe criticism, threats, blackmail, and sometimes even loses his life, which has already happened to more than one such brave person.
And yet this process cannot be stopped, and not only thanks to the courage of such pure souls, but also thanks to their support from the people.
Many people are so tired of the dirty political games, lies and hypocrisy of globalist minions that they will no longer vote for them in the next elections, and there will be many of them this year.
Thus, the change of leadership will occur in a relatively peaceful manner.
But still, the deep state will try to rig elections wherever possible.
And this cannot be allowed under any circumstances, since now we are no longer just talking about a change of power, but the question is about the survival of humanity as a species.
Therefore, public activity now plays a key role.
People’s indifference and inertia can cost them dearly.
And I want you to take my words seriously, because I, like no one else, see how far the criminal plans of those who, remaining behind the scenes, skillfully play their game, have gone.
For them there are no moral boundaries, since people for them are just lower beings, designed to provide them with a beautiful life and a comfortable existence.
For thousands of years, Dracoreptilians and their minions lived off the energy, creativity and hard work of people, and they are not going to change this order of things.
But the time has come for you to understand this and finally get rid of these disgusting creatures that have ruled your world for so long.
Support in every way available to you the pure human souls who dare to openly go against the deep state and think about the needs and wants of the people, and not about their own pockets.
These people really need your Love, help and support.
Archangel Lucifer, who sincerely loves you, spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on June 3, 2024
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