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June 2

Father Absolute – Two realities (Such different values)
June 2, 2024

Hello, my dear beloved children!
In continuation of my previous message, I now want to talk in more detail about the separation of two groups of people: those who remain in the three-dimensional world, and those who move with the Earth into a new dimension.
The further away, the greater the gap awaits these people, and in all directions.
And, of course, first of all it concerns their moral qualities.
It is becoming increasingly difficult for modern society to maintain the “bar” of spirituality, since it is precisely this that is most dangerous for the puppets of the deep state.
Everything that concerns traditional universal human values is now called “conservative views”, and those who defend them are backward and outdated people.
And this also shows the separation of people, and the further away, the more.
This is especially true of the older generation, who grew up and were brought up on the very values that the minions of the globalists are now trying to trample into the mud.
What is being imposed on young people now, starting from a very young age, carries completely different “values” that can no longer be called moral.
If you compare children’s literature, films and cartoons of the last century and what is being created for children now, you can feel the enormous difference in vibrations between them.
This is explained by the fact that art always reflects the realities of the world in which its creators live.
And the fact that now almost all kinds of art are put at the service of globalists is certainly not accidental.
Dragon reptiles are well aware of the enormous impact creativity has on the minds of people, especially children and teenagers, so they are trying their best to pull them into a three-dimensional world, and of the dirtiest kind, not allowing these pure souls to join the stream of people who can make the Transition.
Thus, they are trying to turn even the crystal children, who just came to your planet to build a new society on the Earth of the Fifth Dimension, into the “ballast” that we have already talked about.
And this is their biggest crime against humanity.
We will stop here today.
The Father Absolute, who loves you immensely, has spoken to you.
Channeled by Marta on June 2 2024.

June 2

Two realities (Separation of souls)
June 2, 2024

Hello, my dear beloved children!
In continuation of my previous message, today I want to talk to you about another feature of the last twelve years.
And it consists in the fact that it was during this period, along with the awakening of a large number of pure human souls who embarked on the path of spiritual development, a huge number of those appeared who, on the contrary, began to lose their human appearance and became mired in lies, corruption and debauchery.
These two processes went on in parallel, and the people belonging to these groups progressed quite quickly, but each in their own direction.
And this is explained by the fact that the highly vibrational energies coming to Earth highlight everything that has been hidden for a while, tearing off all masks and exposing all the qualities peculiar to people: both virtues and vices.
Thus, pure souls, receiving “irradiation” with Divine energies, blossom even more, and their best natural qualities manifest themselves more brightly than they did before.
And those souls in which the wormhole was hidden, under the influence of these energies, on the contrary, begin to show their negative qualities openly.
And this is due to the fact that, being unable to perceive the energies of such high vibrations, they are even more immersed in the three-dimensional world.
These energies pass through them without affecting them in any way, due to too large a gap in vibrations, and these people involuntarily remain in a three-dimensional world that is already agonizing, because it does not correspond to the vibrations of the renewed Earth.
Thus, bright souls gradually “rise” above the world of the third dimension with their consciousness and their physical bodies, and low-vibration souls are increasingly immersed in it.
This is how the new Earth is undocked from the old one – at the level of separation of the energy space of high and low vibrations.
Accordingly, each of these spaces, like a magnet, attracts the inhabitants of the Earth with similar vibrations.
Therefore, pure and bright souls are transformed more and more every day, and dark souls are increasingly immersed in the world of low vibrations with all its vices.
We will stop here today.
The Father Absolute, who loves you immensely, has spoken to you.
Channeled by Marta on June 2 2024.

June 1

Father Absolute – Two Realities (Joint Evolution)
June 1, 2024

Hello, my dear beloved children!
In continuation of my previous message, today I want to tell you about another feature of the last twelve-year cycle of development of the Earth and humanity as a whole.
Since you are all one with your planet, the process of its evolution involuntarily draws you into this orbit.
But this does not happen to all inhabitants of the Earth, but only to pure human souls, who are potentially able to perceive new high vibrations, which gradually displace vibrations of the third dimension from the Earth.
As you already know, your planet is inhabited not only by humans, but also by a huge number of low-vibration creatures embodied in human bodies, as well as biorobots and clones, of which there have been especially many on Earth in recent years.
And since these creatures, by virtue of their origin, are under no circumstances able to make the Transition with the Earth, they are present on it in the form of ballast.
Moreover, this ballast is not harmless at all, since it is these creatures that make up the very gray mass whose consciousness the Dragon Reptiles and their puppets in power have learned so well to control.
They are the ones who give in to panic and fear so easily and obediently follow all the instructions and instructions of the authorities, sincerely believing that they are not capable of causing them any harm.
Thanks to this ballast, the Dragon Reptiles manage to restrain the transition to the Fifth Dimension of the conscious part of humanity, capable of perceiving new vibrations of the Earth.
And in order to further slow down this process, more and more clones are being created every year, which set the tone in society, blindly following the alien programs and new “normalities” imposed by the Dragon Reptiles.
These are, for example, all kinds of transgender perversions, which are no longer just advertised, but also aggressively imposed on humanity.
Unfortunately, not only biorobots and clones fall into this monstrous “cage”, but also young human souls, accustomed from childhood to the new realities of life, in which the moral principle is no longer present.
In many ways, this is why, my family, the Transition has slowed down so much, because you have to overcome not only low-vibration energy “barriers”, but also unthinkable moral obstacles that the puppets of the deep state erect in your path.
We will stop here today.
The Absolute Father, who loves you immensely, has spoken to you.
Channeled by Marta on 1, June 2024.

June 1

Father Absolute – Two Realities (New countdown of the Earth’s Existence)
June 1, 2024

Hello, my dear beloved children!
Today I want to talk to you about what has been happening over the past twelve years on the other side – in the camp of the Dragon Reptiles and their puppets in power.
Unlike most people on Earth, they were well aware of the impending transition of your planet to the Fifth Dimension, which for them meant the “end of the world”, since their bodies were not able to withstand such high vibrations.
This is exactly how they presented this news to humanity, trying to instill fear in people and thereby lower the general vibrations of the Earth.
Remember how much was said in 2012 about the end of the world and even its exact date was called: December 21, 2012.
And believe me, my relatives, Dragon Reptiles embodied in human bodies, reptilians and thousands of high-ranking officials controlled by them spent this day in specially equipped underground bunkers waiting for what will happen on this day on Earth.
But nothing visible happened that day.
But on the subtle plane of the Earth, the Transition process was launched.
This can be compared to how a child releases a string from his hands, by which he holds a balloon, and it slowly begins to rise into the sky.
The same thing happened to your Land. That day, the energy cord that held her in the three-dimensional matrix was “cut”, and your beautiful planet began its ascent to higher worlds.
All the Forces of Light and your Galactic family have joined this sacred process.
It was from the end of December 2012 that a new countdown of the Earth’s existence began in two dimensions at the same time, namely its slow progress from the third dimension to the fourth.
How did the Dragon Reptiles behave in this situation?
They took this as their only chance to realize their plans to depopulate the Earth’s population and completely subjugate the consciousness of its remaining inhabitants.
It was then that all their actions in this direction were activated.
At the same time, they carefully monitored the vibrational background of your planet in order to reduce the overall vibration level as much as possible by unleashing military conflicts, ethnic strife and economic crises.
The peak of their efforts in this direction was the pseudo-pandemic organized around the world, which plunged the vast majority of the world’s population into panic and fear, and also claimed and continues to claim millions of lives as a result of the so-called “vaccination”, which brings diseases and death to people.
We will stop here today.
The Absolute Father, who loves you immensely, has spoken to you.
Channeled by Marta on 1, June 2024.

June 3

Lucifer – They need your support
June 3, 2024

Hello, my dear bright souls!
Today I want to explain to you why it is so slowly and with such difficulty that honest and decent people, uncontrolled by globalists, are able to win space in the power structures of both state and international organizations.
Those who closely follow world events probably see such people, but so far they are perceived by them, rather, as “knights” or “Don Quixotes” fighting the “windmills” of deep state politics.
In fact, this is so, since the mutual responsibility of the globalist puppets has now reached its peak.
If someone else – not from their circle – breaks through to high government positions, then he is subjected to severe criticism, threats, blackmail, and sometimes even loses his life, which has already happened to more than one such brave person.
And yet this process cannot be stopped, and not only thanks to the courage of such pure souls, but also thanks to their support from the people.
Many people are so tired of the dirty political games, lies and hypocrisy of globalist minions that they will no longer vote for them in the next elections, and there will be many of them this year.
Thus, the change of leadership will occur in a relatively peaceful manner.
But still, the deep state will try to rig elections wherever possible.
And this cannot be allowed under any circumstances, since now we are no longer just talking about a change of power, but the question is about the survival of humanity as a species.
Therefore, public activity now plays a key role.
People’s indifference and inertia can cost them dearly.
And I want you to take my words seriously, because I, like no one else, see how far the criminal plans of those who, remaining behind the scenes, skillfully play their game, have gone.
For them there are no moral boundaries, since people for them are just lower beings, designed to provide them with a beautiful life and a comfortable existence.
For thousands of years, Dracoreptilians and their minions lived off the energy, creativity and hard work of people, and they are not going to change this order of things.
But the time has come for you to understand this and finally get rid of these disgusting creatures that have ruled your world for so long.
Support in every way available to you the pure human souls who dare to openly go against the deep state and think about the needs and wants of the people, and not about their own pockets.
These people really need your Love, help and support.
Archangel Lucifer, who sincerely loves you, spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on June 3, 2024
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