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Vanga predicted the water crisis

Vanga predicted the water crisis

Vanga predicted the water crisis

“That the time has come, that you have gold panics, but there will be nothing to throw at them. Sichko will be poisoned, and you will seal the water in jars.” Water will become more expensive than gold.” This prophecy of the legendary Bulgarian clairvoyant Vanga was recorded by her daughter-in-law, doctor Zdravka Metodieva. Metodieva is married to the son of the prophetess Dimitar and lived with them for 22 years – from 1974 until Vanga’s death in 1996.
What Vanga predicted began to come true in full force. According to the latest news, the next big crisis in Europe will be about water. This is the conclusion of experts based on research using satellite images. According to him, the Old Continent has been suffering from repeated major droughts since 2018 and this cannot be overcome even with the advent of occasional wetter periods.
There are already problems in some countries. There they react and try to take some measures. Catalonia was the first to declare a state of emergency this year and began shipping the drinking liquid by ship. In France, Macron unveiled a plan to recycle 10% of resources by 2030. Chronic water stress has been reported in Italy, Greece and Belgium.
All this was predicted by Vanga.
“Yes, I am a living witness of this prophecy,” Dr. Zdravka Metodieva told Bulgaria Today. “Vanga used to call her ‘mother,’ and that’s the reason I address her that way when I go back to my memories.” .
“The truth is, I have heard with my ears the warning that water will disappear and become more expensive than gold. One by one, each of Vanga’s predictions about the future is beginning to come true. Recently, I was visited by Ukrainians who live in Sandanski They told me that in front of them Vanga had made a prophecy about the war that is now being fought on the territory of their homeland. God grant that we begin to listen to the wisdom of this holy woman Vanga, who God sent to us in Bulgaria.” Metodieva.
“A few years ago I would have said that Europe has enough water. Right now, I’m convinced we have a problem,” Torsten Meyer-Guhr, lead author of the study on the water crisis, told Politico magazine. According to him, the governments of the most affected countries need to take measures. Otherwise, the taps may run completely dry and tensions between individual countries for control over water sources may arise.
It already seems mercilessly clear that the evil that Vanga has warned about more than once is lurking around the corner.
“In front of me, Vanga said the following: ‘The gold will come out, the water will hide.'” This was also shared by the coach of the golden girls, Neshka Robeva, on the eve of her 78th birthday.
“I fully believe in what Vanga says. The other thing she shared with me is that we should pray to God to preserve the Earth. Because greed will destroy us. Those were her exact words before she passed away in 1996.”
According to Neshka, there is a way to save the planet. “Production should be limited, not indulgence of big capital and bullying of nature – the legendary coach is categorical. – See what big money is being spent on exploring other planets. What about ours?’
All scientific forecasts so far indicate that Europe will be subjected to unprecedented heat this summer as well. According to UN data, the heat will be most deadly in the southern parts of the Old Continent, and they will suffer the most in Spain, France, Italy, Greece, and to some extent in Portugal. In several consecutive years, Germany also faced an unprecedented drought. Scientific studies indicate that the Mediterranean region as a whole is warming 20% faster than the world average as a whole. So the inhabitants of this former paradise tremble in alarm whether this year they will also have to endure the restrictions that befell them in 2023.
“Bulgaria Today” also contacted the chairman of the “Vanga” Foundation, Ivan Dramav. He also confirmed the prophecy.
“It is true that Vanga has an accurate prediction of an upcoming major drought and water shortage – said Dramov. – We in Bulgaria should feel blessed that our nature is so generous and rich in water. Our mineral springs are also priceless, but if we don’t use them wisely, no wonder we lose them.”
Eli Stoyanova
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