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A huge pyramid appeared in the sky over Louisiana

A huge pyramid appeared in the sky over Louisiana

A huge pyramid appeared in the sky over Louisiana

The number of UFO sightings of various types today is so huge that even ufologists no longer keep track of all cases. However, some episodes are so interesting that they are then discussed for decades:
As our readers easily found out, these are the “pyramid over the Kremlin” from 2009 and the “pyramid over the Pentagon” from 2018.
Ufologists are very fond of pyramids; they remind them of Ra’s spaceship from the Star Gate. 
And so, as Mr. Alexander Gelbert from Louisiana reports, on May 20 he filmed the following above his head:
Link to video. 
The video is new, it just went public, so our readers were the first, after, of course, this Alexander, to become witnesses to a historical event, which will now begin to be copied and pasted with terrible force. 
What the brothers in mind forgot over Louisiana and why they arrived on the pyramid, none of the mortals, of course, knows, nevertheless, we can tell the following about this Louisiana. 
The state is located in the very South of America, between Texas and Florida. That is, Louisiana is not exactly America and the Delawares, but rather the Toltecs and Mexico:
The whole world knows about the pyramids of Calakmul, Teotihuacan, Chichen Itza – in Mexico there is a lot left of the Mayans. However, Louisiana is also Mayan territory, but for some reason the officials keep quiet about it and do not conduct excavations. There are about 800 large pyramids in Louisiana alone. They are covered with hills:
Excavations are not being carried out there and have never been carried out, all data and reconstructions are data from geological radars and data from core samples when something was drilled on the pyramids. And judging by the organics from these cores, the Louisiana pyramids are 11,000 years old. That is, they are about 2-2.5 times older than the pyramids of Egypt and are contemporaries of the Sphinx, which is about 14,000 years old. 
The natives themselves would not have thought of such a large-scale construction, so they, like the Egyptians, were taught everything by their brothers in mind.  And now these brothers, apparently, have returned to see what’s going on there. Whether they will carry out a landing and restore the stargate, whether the Pentagon will try to blow it up again – we don’t know, but we are following the developments.
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