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A Mormon who warned of a zombie apocalypse was sentenced to death in Idaho

A Mormon who warned of a zombie apocalypse was sentenced to death in Idaho

A Mormon who warned of a zombie apocalypse was sentenced to death in Idaho

As many American media are reporting today , an Idaho jury unanimously agreed to sentence to death a certain Chad Daybell, who was behind a string of murders. The case has been ongoing since 2019 and now it seems to have ended.
Crime chronicles, of course, are not a subject of interest to conspiracy theorists and eschatologists, but this Chad Daybell is a very, very unusual character.
It all started when in the 1990s he began to hear voices in his head that promised the imminent End of the World and recommended preparing for it. Chad decided to write apocalyptic novels on this topic, in which he essentially described himself – the voices in his head told him what to do.
At some time, Chad had a near-death experience, after which apocalyptic visions were added to the voices in his head. Chad retold them at meetings of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, but  did not find proper understanding among Mormon brothers. Therefore, he organized his own sect, which he called the “Church of the Firstborn,” and proclaimed himself the First Apostle or something like that. 
There are quite a lot of such crazy people in the world, but Chad was special. Voices in his head told him that the End of the World would begin in 2020, after which people would begin to turn into zombies. And the only way to save people from transformation is to kill their mortal body, which is what Chad and his passion did. Even the prosecutors don’t know exactly how many murders they committed, but when the possessed people took on their children, that’s where they were tied up. 
From the point of view of 2019, when a couple of maniacs were screwed, they are ordinary crazy people, of which, as we noted above, there are quite a lot. But if you look at it from the perspective of 2024, after the start of the pandemic in 2020, after treatment for the pandemic in 2021, after 5G, which is not clear what is needed for, but 6G is already being turned back.
Zombie People, End of the World… And all this voices in the head told Mr. Chad for 30 years. No wonder he eventually went crazy. 
The American press has written quite a lot about Chad, there is even an article on Wikipedia . As always, court hearings, evidence and murder episodes are carefully listed, but there is almost nothing about his belief system – only about people who will begin to turn into zombies after 2020. Moreover, he has some important date: July 2020.  
Perhaps you can somehow learn more about the End of the World by reading the novels of this gentleman, but now we can say that even though he is a schizophrenic, to one degree or another he foresaw the future. Voices in the head exist and from time to time they leak some information to sensitive people, after which some people go crazy. And according to this information, we, apparently, are still living in the last week and everything should end in 2027-28, so we are monitoring the development of events.
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