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A mega-wave is coming that will sweep the whole world

A mega-wave is coming that will sweep the whole world

A mega-wave is coming that will sweep the whole world

A few months ago, our readers introduced us to the channel of Pastor Eduard Korotkov, who sometimes, 2-3 times a year, shares with the public dreams that he considers prophetic. We haven’t been following the channel for a long time, we can neither refute nor confirm the authenticity, but Eduard’s subscribers praise him and write that his vangs mostly come true.
And today a new message appeared on Eduard’s channel about a new dream, in which a huge wave appears, rolling over the world:
We opened the video a few hours after publication; at that time, only a few dozen people had subscribed to it, of which three respondents reported that they had seen the same dream at one time or another.
About a year ago, a girl from Australia spoke about the same dream :
At the same time, that is, in the spring-summer of 2023, Natalya Gubina posted a similar dream of one of her subscribers:
We would like to note that we did not specifically look for similar dreams – this is what I immediately remembered and was noted with links. At one time, we considered the messages important, since the pandemic began exactly like this – about a year before the events, thousands, if not millions of people had a dream about three waves rolling in one after another. Therefore, we thought that as soon as dreams about the wave began to appear, a new pandemic was just around the corner. 
And now, it just so happens that these days in Geneva they are grinding out the so-called pandemic agreement, which even the idiots in the Moksha swamps who are planning to bomb London were forced to sign. 
And it just so happened that these days there was a leak of a network conference of WHO officials who discussed some severe quarantine measures around farms where bird flu was discovered. 
It is possible, of course, that the dream about a big wave is about something else. For example, about a full-scale Third World War, about the X45 solar flare, about a mega-earthquake, and so on. Mr. Korotkov usually has a vanga with a short shoulder, that is, to see whether it will come true or not, you don’t need to wait a year, so we are monitoring the development of events.
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