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In June the Earth will begin to be irradiated with a stream of some kind of cosmic energy

In June, the Earth will begin to be irradiated with a stream of some kind of cosmic energy

In June, the Earth will begin to be irradiated with a stream of some kind of cosmic energy

The concept of “channeling” (literally – sewerage, laying a channel) has been in fashion since the late 1960s, although earlier it was called the word “medium”. People have an ambiguous attitude towards fellow channelers, since, on the one hand, most of these adherents are pure liars, on the other hand, those who actually hear something – it is not clear what channel they are connected to. 
However, be that as it may, a couple of days ago a friend appeared on GLP who saved a channel from as far back as 2014. The message was allegedly received from a spaceship of some very important “correct Anunnaki” who are in the solar system with the intention of clearing it of “wrong Anunnaki” who violated some important cosmic rules. According to the medium, the cleanup was supposed to begin in June 2024, when some kind of “great planetary alignment” would occur. And it all starts with cutting some kind of energy channel to the Earth. 
There were thousands of texts, 50 characters long, mostly typical for mediums blah blah blah on general topics “for all the good against all the bad,” so we saved the link so we could read it at our leisure. Imagine our surprise when the topic was demolished. 
For GLP, such disk space savings are very unusual. There was no incitement, no assassination threats against the great supreme leaders, no insults. One hefty post and several comments. And yet, for some reason the topic was demolished.
And we wouldn’t pay much attention to this, but another topic appeared about the same thing . It discusses a video of some woman, half astrologer, half contactee, who recently became famous for making an accurate joke about the Iranian thug Raisi. She said that somehow Jupiter was positioned incorrectly over Iran in the horoscope and therefore in May one of the great leaders there would certainly die. 
Helicopter crashes in Iran are a thing of the past, but now the lady is repeating almost word for word Wang about June, which was removed from GLP the day before. That is, the Wang is already from 2014. 
This Sylvia says that from the beginning of June a flow of some unusual cosmic energy will be sent to Earth, some kind of Galactic Federation will open some kind of Great Gate and this will fundamentally change the world. 
When we hear words like “Galactic Federation,” our hands automatically reach up to twirl our finger at our temple. However, this is how we look at it now. 
Firstly, the day before some harmless schizophrenic was singing about the galactic federation and for some reason he was urgently destroyed by some evil forces. 
Secondly, this Sylvia is now talking about the galactic federation. 
Thirdly, Sylvia correctly guessed that some important nit would die in Iran. And the wonderful Wang came true. 
Thus, everything is not so clear-cut. It seems that the channeling from 2014 was not made by a schizophrenic, but by some real person. And in June, something will really happen with these cosmic energies.
Actually, June has already begun, so we are monitoring the developments.

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