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AR3664 spot heating worked

AR3664 spot heating worked

AR3664 spot heating worked: 3 X-flares per day, 5 per week!  Sunspot AR3664 (also known as AR3697) has broken up, but it’s still powerful. On May 31, it emitted another X-flare (X1.1), the third this week. NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory recorded the release of extreme ultraviolet light:
Radiation from the flare ionized the Earth’s upper atmosphere, briefly causing a shortwave radio blackout over the Pacific side of North America. Signals below 30 MHz died out for as much as 30 minutes after the peak of the flare (May 31 at 22:03 UT).
The flare, although quite intense, was too short to lift a significant coronal mass ejection from the Sun’s atmosphere. The SOHO coronagraph images do not show any solar thunderclouds heading towards Earth.
What makes a decaying sunspot like AR3664 so active? This magnetic card provides the answer:
Inside the sunspot’s primordial core, two oppositely charged magnetic poles are squeezed together, + versus -. When this happens, magnetic recombination can cause very powerful explosions even from a decaying sunspot.
NOAA forecasters estimate a 35% chance of X-band flares and a 75% chance of M-band flares on June 1. Solar flare alerts: SMS text message.
Comment from the Editors of The Big The One: The sun shoots out flares so quickly that the famous cosmonauts do not have time to renew themselves – before the thunder of May 31 had died down, June 1 arrived and boomed again, this time X 1.4:
Actually, this is exactly what we did after the outbreak on May 29th. We thought there would be one X5, but the Sun decided to shoot two X1s. And now, of course, I’m terribly curious why. 
We, of course, read the scientific crap about the pros and cons, but we remind our readers of the discovery of Mr. In2ThinAir on May 10:
Looks like some advanced guys lightly strafed AR3664’s spot before the go-around. If this was done to lower his energy, then the outbursts should have stopped. However, the number of flares is only increasing; even the grandfathers at NASA cannot remember such active spots. Consequently, the spot was deliberately heated. But for what? We’ll find out when the X45 crashes there, so we’ll keep an eye on developments. 

Разогрев пятна AR3664 сработал: 3 Х-вспышки за сутки, 5 за неделю!

Is an apocalypse waiting for us on June 6!

Will June 6 be the X-day, when perhaps the most powerful magnetic storm known in history and a real celestial apocalypse is expected – this is what scientists and all other people around the world are asking.
However, experts prefer to be cautious, because at the end of last year and this year, the Sun and the Earth’s geomagnetic activity quite surprised them, overturning the known theories.
On May 8, the Sun had a super flare, and then on May 10 there was a magnetic storm on the ground, also super super, which proved fatal to telecommunications in the Americas. Shortwave broadcasts were literally shut down. The rest of our planet was also hit, but there were almost no problems with telecommunications. But health problems appeared in weather-sensitive people.
The flare came from the giant sunspot AR 3664. Our star rotates on its axis in 27 Earth days. Scientists thought AR 3664 wouldn’t stay so monstrous because spots of this size usually last only a few hours or days. But the new spin shows that the AR 3664 is back and monstrous in size. Flares from it and the resulting solar wind are expected to reach Earth around June 6. Also to be added here is the spot action AR 3663, which is also gigantic in size and has returned with monstrous intentions.
However, scientists prefer to wait with predictions. In the previous months, large geomagnetic storms were also expected, but these either did not occur or only reached low cliffs, surprising experts. This has led to various theories that the Earth’s magnetic field is changing and not acting as it used to. For now, these are only theories that will be tested, writes the Telegraph.
Our star, the Sun, is now believed to be approaching the most active time in its 11-year cycle (actually the cycle was last 15 years). This creates many coronal holes that allow charged particles to be ejected into space. And their beautiful manifestation is the creation of auroras. Let’s remember that just recently we observed this in our native latitudes.
The painful manifestation is the feeling of weather-sensitive people, because geomagnetic storms create disturbances in health. For some it’s just a mild headache, but for others things can be serious. There are also problems with blood pressure and heart activity. But it should be clarified that the term “climate sensitive” is a rather broad concept and it also includes people exposed to changes primarily in the Earth’s climate.
Rositsa Valentinova
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