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Godzilla was seen in Houston

Godzilla was seen in Houston

Godzilla was seen in Houston. They will soon be seen in other parts of the world

Last week, a friend from Houston , Texas, bored in a traffic jam, shot a very unusual cloud, which excited many conspiracy theorists and forced them to talk about the Blue Beam project again:
It is difficult to verify the authenticity of the photo, there is only one witness, but Houston is still intact and it was definitely not Godzilla. Nevertheless, there is really something to think about and talk about. 
First, let’s remember the strange geological formations, of which there are so many that it can’t be explained by the play of the wind:
Secondly, let us remember geological formations of another type, of which there are also plenty:
Thirdly, let us remember the unusual architectural structures all over the planet, proving that the world was once not only covered with giant trees and inhabited by animals of the appropriate size, but, it seems, some giant people also ran around this world. 
Fourthly, let us remember the so-called Mohorovicic surface – the lowest layer of the lithosphere. It completely repeats the topography of the Earth, only in reverse – the mountains there grow in depth:
 Fifthly, let us remember the theory of the hollow Earth, which everyone was terribly keen on until 1945, and then suddenly abruptly forgot, as if such a theory never existed, and huge amounts of money were not spent on searching for an entrance to the hollow Earth. 
Sixthly, let us remember the so-called “trumpet sounds”, which sometimes are not even trumpet sounds at all, but some very different ones:
Seventhly, let us remember the numerous vangas of elders and sensitives of various kinds who promised that giants would crawl out of the ground before the End of the World. 
Eighth, let us remember the travel of UFOs inside volcanoes – there are millions of evidence. This allows us to think that the layer of magma inside the volcanoes does not extend to the core, but ends much earlier and there are huge cavities there, under the volcanoes. 
Ninthly, let us recall the numerous scientific publications of recent years on seismic tomography, loud headlines from which later end up in the tabloids:
Well, tenthly, let’s finally remember the MonsterVerse cinematic universe, which was created out of the blue and contrary to the laws of the market – they pulled Godzilla out of mothballs, about whom hundreds of films were made, and began to invest considerable funds in the films, even putting together a series. And everything is permeated with a global agenda: people are killing the Earth, but monsters are about to come out and save everyone. And code 239 appears several times in each film – the directors do not know other numbers for hangars. 
All this taken together, as well as a dozen other points, allows us to think that the Hollow Earth is not a wild theory of crazy Nazis, but a reality. Once upon a time there lived giants on Earth, but for some reason they left the surface and from time to time we only hear their howls or feel them scratching there. Especially near Indonesia, where M7.0 is often found. But soon they will come to the surface. And so that people don’t immediately shit themselves from fear, through films they are somehow trying to prepare them for the future, so we follow the developments of events.

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