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How does your experience (Soul) happen

How does your experience (Soul) happen

How does your experience (Soul) happen on planet Earth?

Channeling: Igor Gor

Our beautiful Souls! The entire passage of your experience is based on awareness of your energetic state and psychological framework, that is, the manifestation of the emotions of your personality must occur consciously, both from the position of an observer and in the presence of yourself. These are inseparable parts – you and the observer are one whole. With the help of the observer, you will coordinate your actions and actions in accordance with the spiritual values that are embedded through numerous sources. For the basic ones we take the 10 commandments and the 2 commandments of Jesus Christ. You can get this from the sources available to you. You have come to experience the material plane of 3D space, and this must be realized and accepted as a given. Many people treat this as a destructive condition. But this is a matter of point of view and a matter of angle of view on this situation. The question of Soul growth occurs consciously, but not immediately.
For a larger number of Souls born before 1995, filling with destructive experience and overcoming it was the main task, because the manifestation of Free Will outside the Creator spins the negative karma of consequences and creates a sinful space around the bearer. And the bearer must overcome this with his own strength in order to reach the level of spiritual freedom, freedom of personality, consciousness and body. The event itself, the action, the thought, and the feelings are the experience of the Soul. As it seems to you, these are negative tendencies, but they lead to the most developed spiritual consciousness. The consequences of a choice always transform the Soul.
Children born after 1995 come with the task of restructuring the fields of planet Earth. You need to understand that for now the balance of the so-called Light and Darkness will be maintained. And the transition of the planet is quite slow, because at the entrance of Souls there is a reformatting of Consciousness for the technocratic path of development, that is, for the involution of human energy capacity. That is, the technocratic path of development reduces the energy volumes of Consciousness, does not allow a person to break through the ego bubble of technocracy, and does not allow him to reach a state of freedom in the Creator.
Freedom in the Creator is open Consciousness and overcoming the material boundary of Consciousness. And here there is a struggle for Consciousness. On the positive side, matrix programs are finding it more and more difficult to contain incoming design changes. This requires large energy costs. There is a decrease in strength and a loss of control over new incoming Consciousnesses. New Souls come with higher levels of Consciousness and Soul. It’s built in. And lowering them is really energy-intensive, and as energy-intensive as possible. The systems through which this decline occurs, this food supply, are collapsing. The 3D system is stagnating. Dark spots are disappearing from the fields of the planet. Rejoice, there is still more to come. Love you! Your cosmic Teachers of the spiritual plane.
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