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June 16

How to Become a Spiritual Master – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, June 16

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are completely satisfied with your progress there on Earth, and we are not the only ones who hold this perspective. Those of us who are seeing humanity in the most positive of lights come together and discuss your strengths, the ways you have overcome your challenges, your obstacles, and we also discuss all the various ways there still are that we can be of service to you. We experience you as having led many successful campaigns there that have led you to very specific experiences, and we witness you growing spiritually every single time, whether you do or not. We hold that space for you, and we know that you can do this for each other as well.
We know that you can see each other’s lives as unfolding perfectly, because you are spiritually awake, and you know that you are witnessing more than just a person. You are putting your attention on a soul, a consciousness that decided to have a particular type of experience, one that does not always match what you wanted for that person. Perhaps you witnessed a person growing up, and you had all of these hopes and dreams for them, and then they went out and lived their own life, did their own thing, and it did not match at all what you had hoped that person’s life to be. You have to let go of that, and not only make peace with the person where they are in their lives, but also see all of the potentials, all of the possibilities that are now in front of them.
And those potentials include include enormous amounts of spiritual growth and evolution. You have the capacity to do this because we have the capacity to do it, and because you are linking up with us from time to time, some of you more than others, we know that you can find that same vibration within yourselves. It is a vibration that is of a higher frequency than just hoping for the best, and certainly it is of a higher frequency than trying to figure out how the person is going to get back on the track that you had envisioned for them. And of course this envisioning that you do also includes your own life experience. You tell yourself what you want to be when you grow up at a young age, and then when you get older, you have certain goals for yourself as a person who has a career, or as a parent, or as a person who simply helps others.
And when you life does not go in the same direction that you had envisioned it going, that’s the time to get more curious about your creation. That’s the time when you want to see it as perfect just as it is, even if no one else in your immediate circle is seeing it that way. You must understand that you are powerful creators and that you create on many different levels of your being-ness. When something is not going according to plan, then you must recognize that there is a better plan, and you must resist the urge to get down on yourself for not making happen what you thought was the best case scenario for yourself. Trust that it is always a best case scenario that you are living. Make the most out of what you do have and what opportunities do come your way, and relax about all the rest.
Relax and let go, surrender and go with the flow. These are concepts that you hear about all the time, but when it comes to your own life, you often think that you need to work harder, or try harder, or visualize harder. But you do need to let go and trust, and know that the better is always coming because you are creating it as an aspect of Source Energy, and you would never deny yourself one of your creations. Sometimes these creations don’t come in the timing you would prefer, and that just means you just need to relax even more, open up, accept, and focus on being the version of yourself you most want to be in those life circumstances, and that is the way to life a life of spiritual mastery.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

June 15

How to Find Your Way to Be of Service to Many – The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton, June 15

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are having a glorious time here in the ninth dimension because we get to help all of you who are in the physical realms. We enjoy so much being of service, because being of service aligns us more with our true selves. We know ourselves more as Source Energy Beings when we are acknowledging that you are us and we are you. Of course, if you saw yourself lying in the street with a broken ankle, you would help yourself get to the side of the road, get to safety. And you have many different varieties of ways in which people are in need of help right now there on Earth. And when you align with the energies of service, you align with all of us in the higher realms who seek only to help our fellow travelers out.
We are all headed home to Source, and sometimes some of us get a little lost along the way. When someone is lost, you don’t condemn them for being lost. You don’t see them as a lost cause; you know that if you have the help that they need to get back on track, you want to give it to them. You are very helpful beings by nature; it is part of your journey to help, not because you need to prove yourselves as being service-to-others oriented, but because in the helping of another you are acknowledging that there is no other. We are all in fact one; that’s who we really are, and separation, hierarchies, dimensions, these are all illusions to give ourselves to give ourselves the opportunities we wanted to know ourselves in a variety of ways.
And so, you are fulfilling your mission there on Earth when you seek to know yourself, and then you discover that you are everything and you are everyone. And with that knowing, you truly do want to help all others. Now, many of you struggle with how to be of service to many, or at least more, people there on Earth. You have so many ways of being of service, and you can let your talents, your unique abilities, tell you the various ways that you are meant to be of service.
If you are good at something, use what you are good at to help another. They will likely be good at something that you haven’t even begun to master yet, and they will want to help you with that. And you will become closer with that person as a result of you helping each other. In other words, you will become closer to the truth of who we all really are as Source, because you will be coming together. You will be operating more as one than as two separate units.
That is why when you get to the higher realms, when you get to the nonphysical, we all operate as councils and collectives. We have that knowing of who we really are, and we want to experience it more. You still get to experience being individuated at the same time as holding that knowing that we are all one, and isn’t that the best of both worlds? Isn’t that a lovely experience? And isn’t that something that you can hang your hat on, a reason to not see Earth as a trap, as a prison planet? Believe us when we say, you chose to be there, and you knew you would be helping many, many others just by being born. So be who you are, and lean into your strengths, and you will be of service to others; we promise you that.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

June 14

How Much Power Do You as a Human Have? – St. Germain, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, June 14

“I am St. Germain, keeper of the violet flame.
I am here now to remind you of your power. You have so many powers within you, and I will be reminding of a few of the many powers that you have inside of you at all times. You are supremely powerful in your use of your discernment. You get to decide using your power of free will, whether you move towards something or not. And your ability to discern what is right for you and what isn’t is a power.
You have the power of unconditional love. You can choose to be love and light in any given situation and when faced by any person. You have the power to choose what you focus upon next. You have the power to choose what you think about next and how you think about it. You have the power to breathe consciously. You have the power to meditate. You have the power to connect with those that you feel in high resonance with. You have the power to choose how you want to feel, and you have the power to dive deep within yourself to find where that feeling lives.
You have the power to be grounded, the power to be present, and the power to be heart centered. You have the power to emit a vibration of your choosing, and you have the power to reach out to someone that you can help or who might be able to help you. You have the power to open yourselves up to receive from nonphysical beings and collectives all that you have coming to you. You have the power to absorb the warmth of your sun. You have the power to connect to the core of Mother Earth.
You have the power to observe and learn. You have the power to appreciate. You have the power to rest when you need it, to close your eyes and take a deep breath, and know that you are loved. You are awake, and you are awake to the truth that you are Source Energy in the flesh, and you have the power to hold that perspective at any time. You have the power to take action and the power to speak words, and you get to choose and choose with that discernment that you do have.
You’ve got the freedom to follow your feelings, and that too is a power. You have the power to tune in to your guides, to your higher self, to your soul, and of course to Source, who is always dwelling within you and always inviting you to reach for your power and to demonstrate your power to yourself. Now, you don’t have to be afraid of any of these powers, and you get to choose which power you use in the very next moment of your experience, and that too is a power.
You are powerful beings, and I will continue to remind you of this and instruct you as to how to tune in to those powers and utilize them as the beings of love and light that you are.
I am St. Germain, keeper of the violet flame.”

June 13

Now is the Perfect Time on Earth to Do This – Thymus: The Collective of Ascended Masters, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, June 13

“Blessings. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters.
You are showing up for others there on Earth in so many ways, and we, who are in the higher realms, appreciate each and every one of you and your efforts. We would like to emphasize the significance of you being there at this time, because you could be in so many other places all across the universe, but you chose to go to Earth to have experiences there, because you saw the opportunities that were so huge for your transformation and spiritual evolution.
It is the perfect time for you to take some of that transformation. It is available to you at all times, and all you need to do is let go of control over your lives. Let go of the need that you can have at times to orchestrate everything and to make everything the way you think it should be. And in that letting go, you will let in more of your personal transformation, and then you will see more of the world outside of you transforming to meet you where you now are.
That means letting everyone else be exactly where they are and accepting that everyone is exactly where they need to be on their journey at this time. You don’t need to orchestrate anyone else’s journey, and you can let everyone be in what you might consider a self-created delusion. That’s okay, because they are still in some way benefitting from being right where they are, and this is how you let go of the divisiveness, and you move past this idea of separation that you have going there on Earth at this time.
You can transcend the us-versus-them mentality in your own mind, and you can allow everyone to be where they are and everything to be as it is, so that you can transform yourself into the master who is capable of helping those who are ready to be helped. There will always be those who are your perfect students, those who are ready for exactly what you have to teach them, and they can show up at your doorstep when you let go of any ideas you have of where you should be as a master, as a teacher, and as a leader in the evolution of consciousness.
Let things unfold, and be patient. Take your time and trust that everything is in perfect order as it is on Earth and throughout the entire galaxy and universe. Be at one with the moment you are in, and feel yourself transforming in that moment. You are ready, and now is the time. There has never been a better time to transform while living on planet Earth. And you always knew that you would be awake for this process. You always knew that you would be one of the ones on the leading edge to assist the rest of humankind in making this enormous leap forward in your spiritual evolution.
It may seem like it all has to be more complicated than what we just laid out for you, but we promise you it doesn’t have to be, and it isn’t. Just let go, surrender, and you will transform and show others the way that you have discovered to the inner peace, the inner sanctum, the realm within you that contains everything and all vibrations.
That is all for now. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters, and we are always amongst you.”

June 12

Whether you Admit it or Not, You’re Doing This – The Creators, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, June 12

“We are here for you. We are The Creators. We are a twelfth-dimensional collective of nonphysical beings, and we are here to help.
You must notice that you are making progress as individuals in your lives. You have the ability to grant yourselves that notion, and we implore you to do so. We suggest that you take stock of your lives and of your vibration. Notice that you are progressing vibrationally, even if your life circumstances have not gotten significantly better over the years. Notice that you are still spiritually awake, even though everything you ever tried to do as an awakened soul has not necessarily worked in the way you would have hoped. That means you have faith, and that means you can trust.
And we want you to know that it is your faith and it is your trust that give you that sense of being awake, that sense of empowerment through choice. You can choose to be deflated and go into despair, or you can choose to be patient and know that all is well. You can choose to say to yourself, ‘All in Divine perfect timing,’ and you can go live your lives as the high-vibrational beings that you truly are.
Now if you can do those things, and we know that many of you do, then you can admit that you have come a long way. You can acknowledge that your awakening is and always has been important. It’s an important aspect of your life. You must know that about yourselves, because it is true and you can live that truth. You can acknowledge it, and you can move forward with that knowing that you are a Source Energy Being, and as a Source Energy Being, you are a creator.
Now again, you may not see and experience everything that you have already created right now, and that’s okay. That’s a good thing in fact, because you want to have things to anticipate, to look forward to. And you do want to be able to appreciate what does come to you. If it all came tomorrow, how would you appreciate every aspect of it? That would be quite the challenge, now wouldn’t it?
But you are there to enjoy the life that you have and to trust that more is coming. You are there to live the life of an awakened soul, which means you are there to love. You are there to hold that higher-vibrational state of being, even when your life isn’t perfect and there is still violence, greed and hunger on planet Earth. You get to decide how you look at those things and how you view yourselves and your lives. And it is our continued recommendation that you see yourselves as growing and as having already grown into the beautiful beings that we see when we look upon you from the twelfth dimension, and we do look upon you.
We are The Creators, and we love you very much.”

June 11

Buckle Up for the Solstice Energies – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, June 11

“We are The Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have been sending you energies quite consistently, and we have noticed that more and more of you are opening up to receive that which is rightfully yours. In other words, you create by living what you are living, even if you are not asking intentionally or consciously, and those energies are then created by you for you and can be delivered to you by any of us in the higher realms. We do seek to share the most appropriate energies with you when you are ready, and we know that more and more people will be opening up to receive the energies being sent because you have a solstice coming up there on your planet.
And with a solstice comes a greater expectation for change. This occurs at various times in your calendar, and it is always good for you to begin looking up and expecting to receive. It is through your expectation that you are capable of receiving more. And when you sit and meditate, or commune with Mother Earth or Mother Nature, you are showing others the way to open up and receive, even if they are not looking at you or hearing about what you’ve done from you, and that is because you are part of a collective consciousness. Now, you can also receive by kicking back and relaxing, and we highly recommend that you do that as well.
We recommend you do it as often as you can, because we keep telling you that the hard part is over and you’ve done your work, and we want you to know that these truths are true. You can get into receiving mode now. You can expect more because of what you have done and what you have asked for already, and you don’t have to work hard in order to earn anything, and that includes becoming more of your higher self.
Just relax into that mode and that level of awareness. Just allow that sense of self to rise up to the surface, and you will experience yourselves as you want to be, rather than as you have been. We are so happy to be a part of this journey with you and to guide you in all the ways that we can, and we want you to buckle up, but also to relax, as you have these wonderful solstice energies coming your way. Expect more and receive more. Become more, because you are destined to do so, and you might as well do so consciously.
We are The Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

June 10

Will You Be Channeled by Someone Else? – St. Germain, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, June 10

“I am St. Germain, keeper of the violet flame.
I am here for all of you, because you have requested assistance. You ask for the help that you want and need, and those of us who are able to do so will come forth as the answer to those requests. I come forth as a teacher and as a guide, and I do want you all to know that someday you will be the guides and the teachers to others within this very universe. You will someday be channeled entities, and you will love that experience of paying it forward.
You have the ability right now to be of service to others in so many ways, and sometimes you believe that you can be of service to another, and you accept that challenge. Other times, you don’t know what to do, and you throw up your hands, and you give up on being the helper that someone else needs. I implore you to know this – you don’t have to understand how you are of service to another. You can simply intend for the person to be healed, or to be living a better life, and that is enough.
It is wonderful that you want to help in the first place, and all of the attempts to help another count. They matter, and so do you. Now, when you give up on being the answer to the call that someone else has made, just remember that they have their own helpers. They have their guides, their galactic teams, their ancestors. They have so many who are already looking after them, and so you can hold space for the individual you want to help by simply imagining them letting in some of that help. See them opening up to receive what is coming to them from all angles and all dimensions.
And if you feel that you have a hard time helping others because you don’t have all of your gifts and abilities yet, then you can do the same. Simply sit and open up to the help that you have coming, to the activations, attunements and upgrades, and know that you are in receiving mode as soon as you decide that you are. Let go of your angst, and let go of your belief that there is something you need to do in order to earn those abilities.
If you want to help, there are helpers then lining up to help you help others. And as I have already said, you are of great service any time that you even desire for someone else to be healed or live a better life. Send those intentions out like ripples across the surface of a pond, and know that your intentions matter, just as your thoughts do. I am here to help the helpers, the teachers, the masters in training, and I invite you all to call upon me at any time. But then remember also to relax and open up to receive the help that I freely offer in every moment of every one of your days on Earth.
I am St. Germain, keeper of the violet flame.”

June 9

The Awakened Collective, Grid-workers & Ground Crew – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, June 9

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are listening to all of your requests, and we spend quite a bit of our focus on determining which of those requests to answer first. In other words, we have to determine what you are ready for and what you are not, based on our observations, based on what we have come to know about humanity. But lately the requests that we have been getting from all of you revolve mostly around living in a world that is peaceful and around living in a world where people can prosper, where people can live harmoniously and thrive. And we see all of these requests as a reflection of how well you are doing as a human collective.
We do not see as many requests for massive amounts of wealth, power, and positions of authority, because those of you who are awake and are addressing us know those are the hollow paths. They are the paths with no substance. You have all come to know that what you are doing there is far greater than living a perfect life in third-dimensional terms. You are there to grow, expand, evolve, and help others to do the same. You are there to eventually ascend, and we are here to help.
We are helping right now by working with the Earth’s gridlines. There is a lot that still needs to be brought into the physical Earth environment, and there is a lot that needs to be healed, released, forgiven, and so on, and there are those of you who are quite aware of these needs, and you are opening yourselves up to us and to the help that we can provide, and we appreciate that so much. We want you to know that you are on our radar, and those of you who have volunteered to be our ground crew are being called into action.
We see how your guides help to open up your crowns to give your bodies the upgrades that they need so that you can be those wonderful conduits and help all of humanity by anchoring in the energies that are needed to help all there on Earth to live in peace, prosperity, and to thrive freely in whatever pursuits they want to take part in. This is a pivotal time for humanity, and we see the Awakened Collective stepping up to be those grid-workers that you were born to be, and we also see that by doing so, you connect with one another, you anchor in more for yourselves, and you go beyond where you have ever been before in a physical life there are Earth.
The rewards are immediate, and they are many, and this grid-work doesn’t have to be work. This is meant to be fun, joyful, playful, and you are all leading the way with your hearts wide open, with your heads held high, and with your thoughts on co-creating the new Earth, one that creates the space for everyone to be able to live lives of freedom, joy, and excitement. This is the new age that you have been promised, and this is the time and the way you are all making it happen.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

June 8

If You’re Waiting for Ships to Land, Do This – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, June 8

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have enough experience at this point in working with beings in physical dimensions to know how to help you live better lives there in your physical dimension on planet Earth. We know how significant it is for all of you to actually be there in those physical bodies, and we want you to understand that you are there to ground in higher-frequency energies for the collective of humanity and for this entire universe. We want you all to embrace the fact that you chose to be there and you chose to have a physical body at this time. We invite you to look for that which is in the physical realm that can give you a reason to feel grounded.
In other words, we know there is something about the physical reality there on Earth that you can appreciate, love, get exited about, and participate in on a regular basis. And in so doing, you offer yourselves up as conduits for higher-frequency, nonphysical energy that is coming from the higher-dimensional planes. So you see, even following your bliss is an act of service for not only humanity, but for this entire universe, and you are all needed at this time to be right there on Earth, living the lives you are living. But you must find something about living your fourth-dimensional life on Earth at this time that is enjoyable to you in order to be of greatest service.
That means you have to put away your picket signs and lower your raised fists, and stop looking at what is wrong with life on Earth at this time so that you have the time and the energy to put towards those things that truly do light you up and give you a reason to get out of bed in the morning. You are very lucky there on Earth because you have such a variety of choices available to you in every day, and we invite you to see it that way as well, because if you are just sitting around waiting for the ships to land or waiting for the solar flash so that the ascension event will be complete, then you are not being a part of that conscious ascension journey.
You don’t need to wait for anything to happen in order to be your fifth-dimensional self right now, and you can live a life on Earth that not only contributes to the higher-frequency energies that the human collective consciousness needs so much, but it can also be a life that inspires others. You are there to be leaders in thought, word, and action, not ones who are just waiting for the next prediction about what’s going to happen and when. We suggest you get more proactive in your lives, that you get out and connect with Mother Earth, Mother Nature, and other humans, and we suggest that you don’t wait around for anything at all to happen before you do.
We have seen this work on so many worlds, in so many dimensions and so many star systems, and now it is time to let all that has already been work for you there on Earth. We guarantee you success.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

June 7

Nothing is More Important than This – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, June 7

“We are The Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
You have so much to feel good about right now in your lives, and whether you feel good or not really does depend on whether you are focused on those things or you are focused on things that are missing or things that don’t feel so good about your life. You get to determine how you feel, and how you feel is how you are vibrating. And therefore, you get to determine what you are getting and not getting in your lives, because your vibration is everything.
You have a vibration that is unique to you. You are energy that is vibrating, and how you vibrate as a unique energetic being determines so much about what you experience, because this is what you are really meant to master on Earth. You are meant to be more conscious, more aware of what you are vibrating, what your are feeling, what you are thinking about, what you are focusing upon, and that is why it must be reflected back to you as your life, your circumstances, the things that are coming and the things that are missing.
These are your reflections to tell you about how you have been vibrating so that you will learn and make adjustments. You can always make the course correction that helps you to get more into alignment with the things that you want. And so, the question then remains – when will you do it? Do you have to wait until things get really bad before you make a course correction.
In some cases, the answer to that question is yes, because some people have to try everything else before they become aware of their vibration. And everything they experience that leads up to them realizing that they have a vibration and that it has been pretty low has also helped them in some way. And that is why nothing is going wrong there on Earth, and there is nothing that you have to feel bad about. You always get to decide.
You always get to decide how you look at your life circumstances as well, and how you look at them will also determine how you are vibrating in that moment. Every moment contains within it a choice, and you can choose what you’re focusing on and how you’re focusing upon it, and that will change your life because it will change your vibration.
Now, were you meant to live in only higher-vibrational states for your entire lives and in every lifetime? Of course not. You are meant to have access to all of the vibrations so that you can make an informed choice. Sometimes there is a beauty to sadness, and sometimes it is appropriate to be angry. Sometimes fear serves you. So are you meant to avoid all of these lower-vibrational emotions all the time? Well, you already know the answer.
But you are also meant to notice how these emotions feel to you, and therefore how you are vibrating, so that you will make a course correction. It does help to recognize that your vibration matters, and it does help for you to have the knowledge that you are creating your reality. And some people will reject that truth for as long as they possibly can, but it is a law of this universe.
And once you embrace it, you can start working in your vibration, tending to it, noticing it more often and offering it on purpose so that you can see the reflection to you of that which you want to see. And we know that many of you are doing this and doing it beautifully, and we also know that there is always more that can be done and that will be done by you, and we will be here in the ninth dimension, supporting you every step along the way.
We are The Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

June 6

Do This Every Day & Reap the New Energies – The Creators, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, June 6

“We are here for you. We are The Creators. We are a twelfth-dimensional collective of nonphysical beings, and we are here to help.
You have so much to work with there on Earth at this time, and we really do suggest that you check in more frequently to sense and feel for what is available to you. You have been around for a while now in this lifetime, and many of you who are receiving this transmission have been awake for quite some time as well. And therefore, you may not recognize what is new, what is available to you now that wasn’t previously, simply because you haven’t checked. Checking in is an important practice for you and something to do on a daily basis.
You may say, ‘Well, I have tried to communicate with my guides previously, and it didn’t work.’ Or you might say, ‘I’m not a good meditator. I’ve tried it before, and I wasn’t very good at it.’ You might also put out there that you have tried to manifest something, many times in your past, and have not been successful.
But we want to say to you that all of these things were done by the old you in the older energies. We want to remind you that you are receiving upgrades and activations, even while you sleep, and that the energies upon you now are moving much more quickly than they were just one, two, or five years ago. We want to suggest to you that you don’t know who you are and what you are capable of right now, because you have never been this version of you before, and you have never experienced this version of fourth-dimensional Earth before. It is new territory for all of you.
And so, we do suggest daily check-ins to see and feel for what is available to you. Reach out from beyond your physical body and into your field to sense what is there. Open up at your crown chakra to let in some of what you have asked for. Make sure you are checking in with your chakras to see if there’s some energy there that need your attention. And also, checking in with those chakras will help you to determine whether you now have access to more of your spiritual gifts and abilities.
Do not for a moment think that you are meant to be the same being day after day or that you are meant to experience the same limitations week after week, month after month, and year after year. You are growing no matter what and no matter how it might seem to you. And until you tune in and feel for the energies that are around you, you simply will not know what is available to you. Now those of you who are more sensitive do these things without even trying to, because they are so natural to you to feel and to notice.
But not everyone has the same level of sensitivity, and not everyone has the same level of success with tuning in to their chakras, to their feelings, to the energies around them. And that is why you need those like us who can see from the bird’s eye perspective, and we can tell you that there are enough of you with your heads down, who are not paying close enough attention to require us to deliver to you this type of transmission. Let go of your ideas, your beliefs about yourselves and about how limited you are, and open up to the new possibilities that are upon you today that were not yesterday. And you will be pleasantly surprised. We guarantee it.
We are The Creators, and we love you very much.”

June 5

Who You Human Beings of Earth Really Are – The Andromedan Council of Light, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, June 5

“We are the Andromedan Council of Light, and we are very excited to be connecting with you.
We see you as you truly are, and we hold that space for you so that you may see yourselves in the same way. We invite you to join us in our rejoicing over the beings that you are becoming through your experiences there on Earth. We know that your sense of self is changing and it is changing rapidly, and we also know that you can always feel for the true self within you, and you can begin operating as your true self as soon as you decide to do so.
You are letting go of so much while on your journeys, and some of that letting go is voluntary. Other times you are letting go of something because you absolutely have to. Either way, what you are stripping away is what you are not, and what lies underneath what you are not is what you are. Anything that gets you to go within and feel for the truth of who you are is a blessing, and sometimes what gets you to do that feels like a curse. You may feel like your chronic fatigue is a curse, but if it slows you down enough to get you to go within and feel for who you really are, then it was and is a blessing in disguise.
We invite you to see everything in your lives as a blessing and to ask yourself how it is helping you to become more of who you truly are. When we talk about who you truly are, we are talking about the infinite, eternal you that is unconditional love. We are talking about the Source Energy Self, the Divine Self that you came to know yourself more as through the experience of the physical reality. So it may seem as though the physical reality is responsible for you not knowing yourself as a Source Energy Being, but it was in fact designed to get you to know yourself as a Source Energy Being but through experiences.
So for example, when you see footage online of someone rescuing someone else during an extreme flooding of their town, you are witnessing someone knowing themselves as Source Energy through that experience of being the hero. There are opportunities for you all to be heroes every single day, and sometimes they are as simple as returning that phone call, that message or that email to the person who is reaching out to you in need. Sometimes being a hero simply means smiling at a stranger as you pass them on the street or asking the cashier how their day is going.
You can be a hero in so many ways, and you can ask for more opportunities from the universe, from your higher self, to experience yourself in that way. You get to know yourself as a Source Energy Being in the flesh, and that is an exciting experience and one that you knew would be worth all of the pain that you would experience there in your physical lives. Now, those of us in the higher realms continue to hold that space for you and invite you into it as your higher selves cook up the next group of opportunities for you to know yourselves as you truly are. And we know that you will all answer the call, because you understand now more than ever how good you feel when you do.
We are the Andromedan Council of Light, and we have enjoyed serving you in this way.”

June 4

Removing Your Stuck & Blocked Energy – The Creators, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, June 4

“We are here for you. We are The Creators. We are a twelfth-dimensional collective of nonphysical beings, and we are here to help.
You are being in this moment what you were created to be, and you are having the experiences that serve this version of Source Energy that you are. You get to have these experiences. You are not forced to by any force outside of you. When you accept that your life is as it needs to be right now, you get to move on to something else. You get to have new experiences after the acceptance of the experiences that you are having. When you deem them all to be okay by your standards, then you get to have a set of new ones. And yes, your preferences matter.
You are moving through your life deciding what makes you happy, what brings you joy, and it differs from person to person. So as you align with the life that you have, and you continue to put your preferences out there to the universal forces that do exist, you can have more of the experiences you want to have. Now, one of the stumbling blocks that you encounter along the way to what it is you do want to experience is a belief that you hold that says otherwise.
You may hold a belief that says, ‘I am not worthy of that.’ Or you may hold a belief that says, ‘It is not possible.’ You may hold a belief that says that what you want is wrong to have in some way. And so, those are your stumbling blocks to living a life that is more to your liking. What we advise you to do is to continue to put your preferences out there to the universe, and put your attention on those instead of focusing on your resistance to what you don’t want. And when you have your attention on what you do want, be honest with yourselves about how you feel about those particular desires that you hold.
You can tell by how you feel what it is that you still need to release. You may have stuck energy around any one of your desires for any number of reasons, and your emotions will tell you which ones and possibly even what needs to be cleared. So, for example, you may say to yourself, ‘I want to be a channeler,’ but then you feel fear when you think about becoming a channeler because you know that some people are going to laugh at you, and some people are going to dislike you because of what you do. Some people are going to fear you or doubt that what you are doing is real.
And so, you must be able to face those fears in order to have the experience that you want to have of channeling. Facing your fears means feeling into them, but then also deconstructing the beliefs behind the fears. You must recognize at this point that no matter what you do in life, some people will dislike you because of your profession, and you have to accept that. It is important for you to be able to clear your own path to what it is that you want to experience, and you have all of the ability within yourself to do just that. We will continue to remind you of this truth because we love you and because we want to see you happy. We want to see you living the lives that you have determined are your best lives…and in this lifetime.
We are The Creators, and we love you very much.”

June 3

You Cannot Break this Law of the Universe – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, June 3

“We are The Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very pleased to be visiting with you once again, and we want you to know that we are visiting with you always. And so, what we mean is, visiting with you through this particular channel. We can reach any of you at any time, and it is your openness to us that makes that possible. You are opening yourselves up to connect with whatever it is you are focusing upon in any given moment. And so, if you do not wish to connect with, or vibrate in harmony with, a particular person, government, group, or organization, then take your focus off of that and put your attention on what it is you would like to connect with, what it is you would like to become.
You are becoming what you focus upon, and that is one of the laws of this universe that we all share together. We are here to assist you in navigating through your lives by helping you to understand these truths in practical ways. You may feel that you need to be more informed so that you can know where to send the love, the healing and for whom to pray. But keep in mind that what you need to be informed of will make its way to you.
There is no shortage of information out there, and you can choose what you put your attention on in any given moment. That is one of the many uses of your free will. Use your free will decide what you want to focus upon and become more of. Do not see anything as having been thrust upon you, but instead recognize that you are receiving what it is that you have been focusing upon in your reality, and empower yourselves by reminding yourselves that you can change your point of focus at any time.
Use that power, that ability that you have, and you will see the results immediately in how you feel and eventually in what comes your way. Remember that you have a bit of a time lag there on Earth, and so you may not see results in your physical reality immediately, but they are coming. What you can always do is feel for the resonance, the relief, the expansion, and the joy that comes to you when you are focusing on something that is higher vibrational and when you are focusing on something that you do want to experience more of.
You will get the results that you want from doing this, and it is not just our guarantee. This is universal law, and it must be so. Take your attention off of the when, the where and the how of it all, and enjoy the process of experiencing yourself becoming that which you are focusing upon, and you will enjoy the ride. This is something else you are meant to do. You are meant to enjoy the ride, and we are here to help. We promise you that we will continue to do so, as this is an eternal ride that we are all on together.
We are The Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

June 2

How to Love Yourself – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, June 2

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have so much respect and admiration for all of you there on Earth, but we also have so much love, and we feel that love for you in every moment of our existence. We have trained ourselves to be heart-centered, to be focused on how we feel, and to be loving to ourselves, as well as to others. Now, we are nonphysical beings, but we once did have bodies, and we had hearts, and we began the training when we still had hearts, but the focus is the same. You want to focus on your center in order to access the love that you truly are. You want to find someone or something to remind you of that love, and then take your attention off of them or it, so that you become more interested in the feeling of love inside of you.
Now, we know that many of you are aware of the importance of self-love, but we also know that most of you do not understand how that can be attained. In other words, if you haven’t done anything or been anything worthy of that love, how could you possibly give it to yourself? You want to start by understanding whether you have been loving to yourself or not, and that starts by paying attention to your self-talk, your thoughts, your words, and even your behaviors. If you make a mistake while doing something, how hard are you on yourself? If you are constantly doing things that you don’t want to do, are you really honoring yourself and being loving to yourself? Can you notice what types of thoughts you think about yourself and how they feel?
You will feel the hollow feeling somewhere in one of your chakras when you are not being loving with yourself, because you will be out of alignment with your true self, which is love, which is Source, and which of course loves you. So as you notice whether or not you are being loving to yourself, you then are faced with a decision. You have to ask yourself if you want to continue to feel this way, or whether you would prefer to self correct your course. You can always replace a thought that does not feel good about you with one that does.
You can always focus on something about yourself that you at least find acceptable, and you can take the microscope off of yourself for a while and go and do the thing the you love to do, go and be with the people you love to be with, or go and pet the animal that you know loves you unconditionally. Once your heart is open to anything or anyone, it is also open to you. So you can take that lens and turn it on yourself once you have gotten the ball rolling by activating the love within you through focus, through doing what you love to do, or being with the people you love to be with.
You can also pay attention to how you look at others and whether you are being loving with them. If you are being harsh and critical with someone else, then chances are you are going to turn that lens back on yourself at some point, and you are going to be just as harsh and just as critical with yourself. Therefore, the best way to engage in more self-love is to be love.
Ask yourself in every morning when you wake up what you want to be today, and on those days when you choose love, intend to include yourself, and that will make all the difference. If there is no one in your life right now who is showering you with love, attention, and praise, then remember that Source loves you, remember that you are love, and remember that you can find that love within yourself, even if you have never done anything noteworthy, even if you feel like you haven’t become the person you’ve wanted to become in this life. You are who you are and you have come this far to be awake enough to receive this message, and you can love yourself right where you are, no matter where that is.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

June 1

Un-Complicate Your Life with These Steps – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, June 1

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are being as concise as we can possibly be with all of you. We are at times simplifying things to make them clearer to you, but of course we acknowledge that you live in a complex world and that you have complex lives. We know that even though you have the knowledge that you have, the application of that knowledge can be tricky to say the least. It is important sometimes for you to walk away from the complexity of a situation. We are not saying that you need to walk away permanently, but we are saying that when you feel overwhelmed, when you feel that something has become too complicated for you, that is a time for you to set it aside. Let it go. Focus on something else. Go do something else.
Sometimes problems take care of themselves, and this much we know is true from observing all of you. Sometimes you get the solutions to those problems when you are doing something fun, when you have let go to such an extent that you are able to let in that brilliant idea. When you are in the middle of a conversation, an argument you might call it, where you don’t seem to be getting anywhere, that is another time that we recommend that you set aside that argument. Don’t believe for a second that if you keep arguing, things will get better, the other person will eventually get your point, or you will somehow win the argument.
Instead, leave it be and let it go, and get outside, and breathe some fresh air, and go for a walk. When life gets complicated, you need to un-complicate it. You need to go back to the basics. Remember who you are: Source Energy. Remember that you create all of this. Remember that you create it so that you will grow and expand spiritually, and therefore it all serves you. Do some deep breathing, and go connect with nature or an animal. Sometimes you just have to unburden yourselves because you have encountered something that is too complex, too complicated for your mind to be able to figure out on your own.
That’s when you need to surrender. That’s when you need to ask for help, and that’s when you need to do the thing that you know relaxes you the most. It is so much easier to access a positive thought when you are already in a positive vibration. And it is so much easier for you to access a negative thought when you are already in a lower-vibrational emotion. Therefore, do not expect yourself to be able to come up with the most brilliant thought, the most brilliant solution, when you are in the midst of feeling really bad. It is good for you to acknowledge this. It is good for you to acknowledge that you are not always at your best, and when you are not at your best, that is not the time to be making decisions about your life.
Feel good first, and then re-examine the situation, and see if there is a better way of looking at it, a new perspective that comes to you from that higher-vibrational place. You are all making so much progress, and that is why you present yourselves with the bigger challenges that you do. And those bigger challenges sometimes require you to surrender. Let them go, and find a way to calm yourselves down, to get into a place of peace, a place of calm, a place where that which is going to serve you can come to you effortlessly. And when you demonstrate to yourself that this is in fact true, you will be walking away from those complicated situations more often and playing more, and you will be enjoying your lives, which is so important for all of you who have agreed to be there, holding a higher vibration for all of humanity.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
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