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May 21

May 21

Father Absolute – Two Realities (Self-Destruction of the Three-Dimensional Matrix)
May 21, 2024

Hello, my dear beloved children!
To complete the conversation about the three-dimensional matrix, I want to tell you about what is happening to it now on the subtle plane.
Since the Earth is confidently moving into the energy space of the Fifth Dimension and has already practically moved there with its subtle bodies, this directly affects everything that is in the near-Earth space.
High vibration energies in one way or another affect all energy formations on the subtle plane of the Earth.
This applies to numerous egregors that have arisen over the thousand-year history of the Earth, the collective consciousness of all living beings living on your planet, all its astral layers and, of course, the three-dimensional matrix.
But if the former are natural formations that arose as a result of energies generated by the inhabitants of the Earth, which, concentrated by the similarity of vibrations and thought forms, gradually turned into egregors, then the three-dimensional matrix is ​​an artificially created energy-information structure.
Yet she is also experiencing the effects of new, high vibrational energies.
This is explained by the fact that all the energies and thought forms contained in it carry vibrations of the third dimension, which means they no longer meet the new criteria for existence on Earth and in the space surrounding it.
As a result, in recent years the process of self-destruction of the three-dimensional matrix has begun, which the Grays are no longer able to stop.
This largely explains the fact that the Dracoreptilians decided to accelerate the implementation of their plans to enslave humanity through an artificially created “pandemic”, universal vaccination, chipization, the creation of “smart” cities, transgender programs and much more that they had planned for the long term, to do everything gradually and unnoticed by people.
The transition of the Earth to the Fifth Dimension confused all their cards, but at the same time allowed people to see in the true light those who rule the world and their monstrous plans leading to the destruction of humanity.
As you can see, my dear ones, there are not only negative, but also positive sides to everything.
And now the process of the Ascension of the Earth is already irreversible, which is well understood by your enslavers, who are trying with all their might to influence the consciousness of people on the physical plane, since the influence of the three-dimensional matrix on them is weakening more and more every day.
But in order to speed up its final disappearance from your life, call on the Energy of Dissolution of the Three-Dimensional Matrix as often as possible and ask it to free the consciousness of humanity from all the three-dimensional energies and programs embedded in it.
And I bless you for this!
The Father Absolute, who loves you immensely, spoke to you.
Channeled by Marta on May 21, 2024
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