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May 30

May 30

Father Absolute – Useful tips
May 30, 2024

Hello, my dear beloved children!
Today I want to talk to you about the priorities in your life during this stressful time.
I see that many of you are running out of patience, not only because of the protracted Transition, but also because of the feeling of hopelessness when it seems to you that the globalists are about to achieve their goals and humanity will be completely dependent on them.
Believe me, my dear ones, that this is not so.
The fact that they are in such a hurry to implement their initially long-term program indicates exactly the opposite: that not everything is working out the way they would like.
And in order to emerge from the apathy and despondency that sometimes grips you, I suggest you set the following priorities in your life.
First. Find something to do for yourself that you enjoy and that you can immerse yourself in instead of getting bogged down in current events and their discussion.
Of course, you need to be aware of what is happening now in your countries and on the planet as a whole in order to have an idea of the general trends and directions of world events, but focus your main attention on the work of your Soul.
If you don’t find one, then just listen to your favorite music, read books, spend as much time as possible in nature, completely dissolving in it and not thinking about anything else.
This detachment from the realities of the modern world will help you survive this difficult transition period with the least moral loss, which will bring you peace of mind and keep your vibrations high.
Second. From the many meditations and practices that have been given to you over the years, choose those that come most easily to you and that bring you joy and satisfaction.
These can be meditations aimed at individual spiritual development and transformation of your physical body or relating to all of humanity.
Your intuition will definitely tell you which ones will suit you best at the moment.
And do not feel guilty if these are only your personal meditations, because you know very well that your own harmonious state in itself contributes to raising the vibrations of the collective consciousness of humanity, although this happens unconsciously and imperceptibly for you.
And third. Under no circumstances should you enter into arguments or explanations with people who are completely immersed in the three-dimensional world, but if you are lucky enough to find like-minded people, then try to expand this circle as much as possible, which can lay the foundation for the creation of communes as a prototype of the future society on the Fifth Dimensional Earth.
In other words, protect your energetic space from foreign invasion, but communicating with people of vibrations similar to yours will greatly increase your overall efficiency.
And one last piece of advice. Do not ignore your physical body, because now more than ever it needs your attention and care.
Its transformation into a crystalline light is a complex and unique experience for you, since until now this was only possible in the disembodied state of a person.
Carefully monitor your diet and drink as much pure water as possible, which will help your body adapt more easily to new high-vibrational energies.
Mental and physical purity is what should become your motto for the coming years.
I bless you and love you immensely!
Father Absolute spoke to you.
Channeled by Marta on May 30, 2024
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