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You are begging for love

You are begging for love

You are begging for love (and why you shouldn’t do it)

When you are with the right person, you won’t have to ask for love. If you notice signs that you are begging for love, it means you are in the wrong relationship…
1. You are ready to do anything to keep your partner;
When we are afraid of losing someone, we do everything possible to maintain the relationship without thinking about the future. Attention is focused on the current moment, and not on what the relationship will be like tomorrow.
2. You are being abused;
Accepting abuse or abuse shows that you value the relationship more than you value yourself. This means that the relationship is more important than your personal worth, so you tolerate unacceptable behavior.
3. You remain silent to keep the peace;
The ability to communicate openly and honestly is fundamental to a healthy relationship. When you remain silent, you sacrifice your feelings and desires, which negatively affects your relationship.
4. You need constant confirmation;
When you feel loved and appreciated, you don’t need constant reassurance. If you compulsively ask if your partner loves you, it may be a sign that you are begging for love.
5. You settle for little;
Making minimal commitments, such as friends with benefits, shows that you want more but settle for less.
6. Your relationships are the most important thing in your life;
If you equate your happiness with your relationship and can’t be happy without it, it leads to accepting unsuitable partners.
7. You always give more than your partner;
If you consistently do more for the relationship than your partner, it indicates an imbalance and your desire to beg for love.
8. You threaten to harm yourself;
Threatening to harm yourself is an extreme sign that you are asking for love. This is an alarming signal indicating deep emotional instability in the relationship.
9. You are always available to your partner;
If you constantly change your schedule for your partner, it diminishes your value and can irritate others when you cancel plans at the last minute.
10. You prefer bad relationships to loneliness;
Fear of loneliness can cause you to stay in unhealthy relationships, leading to constant begging for love.
Begging for love often backfires. Partners may feel pressured to leave. Even if you convince your partner to stay, the relief will be temporary and the relationship is unlikely to survive in the long term.
What to do if you find yourself begging for love?
Work on your confidence and self-esteem.
Focus on work, hobbies and activities that you enjoy.
Invest time in people who deserve it, like friends and family.
Don’t rely on others for your happiness.
Find satisfaction in living alone until someone worthy comes along.
Think about how you would feel if someone begged you for love?
True love does not require alms. Take care of yourself and your feelings so that you can be open to healthy and sincere relationships.
Marina Karaseva
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