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COVID-19 is not what you thought

COVID-19 is not what you thought

COVID-19 is not what you thought

The great COVID-19 pandemic, although it seems to have ended, nevertheless continues to be discussed by conspiracy theorists and all sorts of idiots on YouTube who do not even have a secondary medical education. Fortunately, people with diplomas have their own parties, and now these people are putting forward a theory that is quite wild at first glance, but it seems to us that it has every reason to be correct. But before telling what is there and why, readers will need to familiarize themselves with at least two short medical introductions. 
So, , Commonalities Between COVID-19 and Radiation Injury: 
As multisystem components of COVID-19 emerge, a parallel etiology may be drawn between SARS-CoV-2 infection and radiation injury. While some people infected with SARS-CoV-2 are asymptomatic, others experience mild symptoms that may include fever, cough, chills, and unusual symptoms such as loss of taste and smell and redness of the extremities (e.g., “COVID-19 toes” is suggestive of microvascular damage). Also, some patients alarm health care workers with the extreme and rapid emergence of high-risk mortality indicators, including acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), multiorgan hypercoagulability, hypoxia and cardiovascular damage.
With all of these very broad symptoms of COVID-19, it is quite interesting  that years of research in radiation biology has documented the complex, multi-organ nature of another disease state that occurs after exposure to high doses of radiation: acute radiation sickness (ARS). Inflammation is a key factor involved in the development of COVID-19 and ARS, causing multisystem damage that dramatically alters biological homeostasis. Both conditions cause a cytokine storm, in which similar pro-inflammatory molecules increase in number and other anti-inflammatory molecules decrease in number.
These changes manifest themselves in different ways, with a clearly greater impact on the health of patients with underlying conditions. The potentially dramatic consequences of ARS in humans have guided science, which has identified many biomarkers of radiation exposure, developed strategies for the medical treatment of ARS, and led to the development of medical countermeasures for use in a radiation public health emergency. These efforts can now be used to elucidate the mechanisms of action of COVID-19 injuries. Moreover, this overlap between COVID-19 and ARS may point to approaches that could accelerate the discovery of treatments for both diseases.
Another short introduction: , Ivermectin modulates γ-radiation-induced pulmonary toxicity via the TLR4/NF-κβ/MAPK pathway.
Radiation is proinflammatory in nature due to its ability to generate reactive oxygen species (ROS), cytokines, chemokines, and growth factors associated with inflammatory cells. The present study aimed to attempt to evaluate the pulmonary protective effects of ivermectin against high-dose γ-irradiation in adult male albino rats by studying the action of lung receptors that transform growth factors into inflammatory mediators.
We will not delve too deeply into stories about growth factors, so we will summarize the following:
a) Acute radiation sickness and COVID-19 have many common symptoms; in some patients they are practically indistinguishable.
b) Many drugs that doctors have successfully used against corona give the same effect in the treatment of radiation damage. 
c) A star called the Sun has been acting strange lately, exhibiting unprecedented anomalous activity and showering the Earth with huge doses of all types of radiation. Most likely, there is some kind of massive invisible object in the Solar System (we assume a black hole), which, on the one hand, causes changes in the activity of the Sun, and on the other, contributes its share to the general radiation background of the Earth and other planets (on Saturn The rings melted, the pattern of cyclone spots changed on Jupiter, volcanoes and earthquakes awoke on Mars and Venus, Mercury became like a comet – it is losing soil, evaporated by particles coming from space). 
In light of the above, COVID-19 may well be an acute radiation syndrome that swept across the planet as a result of one of the particularly strong radiation emissions at the turn of 2019-2020. But since there was no nuclear war and people needed to explain something, they came up with the great COVID-19 pandemic. 
If our theory is correct, then periodic wave arrivals of cosmic radiation will increase more and more, as a result of which the pandemic theory will no longer work and global bosses will have to organize a small atomic war in order to somehow explain the increased surges of widespread radiation sickness. However, changes in the Sun cannot be hidden for a very long time, since the Earth will eventually turn into Mars anyway, so we are monitoring the developments.
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