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The sky in China has turned an eerie red color again

The sky in China has turned an eerie red color again

The sky in China has turned an eerie red color again  Last Thursday, a blood-red sky shocked residents of the Chinese city of Zhoushan, located in the Chinese province of Zhejiang. The sky changed color at about 8 pm. 
The unidentified woman who filmed the footage wrote after posting the video online: “Similar events occurred in Putuo City on May 7, 2022 and in Fuzhou, Fujian Province on May 10, 2022. I heard that they were the lights of fishing boats, but this is the first time I’ve seen it.”
One viewer of her video commented: “It looks like a nuclear explosion.” And another said: “Why does it look a bit like the brightness of an artificial sun?” Someone else remarked:  “Before earthquakes, the sky is always red.”
The video was analyzed by an expert from the Space Physics Research Group of China University of Geosciences (Wuhan). He said:
“Because the lights of ocean fishing vessels are red, red light has a longer wavelength and greater penetrating power. At the same time, due to the scattering of liquid droplets in the atmosphere, the red light will be scattered to a further range, thus creating an anomalously strong red light phenomenon in the sky.”
Comments from the Editors of The Big The One: The opinion of the renowned Chinese expert was, of course, terribly interesting to read. One must think that Comrade Xi has some powerful fishing boats that can illuminate the entire city with flashlights. Even a city in England:
The photo on the left was taken in January 2023 in Leicester , but the renowned experts there kept quiet and pretended that nothing had happened. But, since England is a freer country than China, the people quickly contacted the local residents, asked them for the source of the photo in full resolution, and when running it through a filter, the source of the red light that filled the sky was clearly identified. 
Most likely, it was almost the same in China. Europe is not very large geographically, the population lives densely and there are no problems blocking it with chemtrails. But China is healthy and there are a lot of people living there. Therefore, in China the sky turns red more often than in Europe and the USA:
Nevertheless, sooner or later the chemtrails will not cope with the job and such red skies will be everywhere at once, so we are monitoring the developments.
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