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Someone is firing “laser beams” at the Sun

Someone is firing “laser beams” at the Sun

Someone is firing “laser beams” at the Sun

Since the start of broadcasting images of NASA solar telescopes on the network, people following these pictures have discovered a lot of new things. In particular, the appearance near the Sun of certain very large objects, similar in shape to spaceships, but in size beyond any imagination. If you believe in the declared sizes of the Sun, then the size of these “spheres”, “rods” and “triangles” is sometimes greater than the distance to the moon. 
With planets and even planetary systems near the Sun, things are also not so simple; we recently told our readers about one of the strange SOHO photos:
What it was, ufologists/nibirologists are still arguing, but in the meantime, comrade In2ThinAir discovered something new near the Sun:
We are talking about a series of outbreaks on May 8-10. The frame features the spot AR3664, which now, after the Sun has completed a full revolution, has again appeared above the solar horizon and is called  AR3697. What could it be? 
If these rays appeared in one picture, then one could dismiss them and call it an artifact. But there are rays in a series of photographs. The source of the rays is moving. It does not move chaotically, but in one direction. Therefore, it is in no way an artifact. 
If the filming was carried out from the Earth, then one could talk about the refraction of light by the atmosphere. However, a solar telescope flies in space, there cannot be any refractions there. 
NASA is still as silent as a fish, so conspiracy theorists are putting forward their own versions. 
Jupiter is not visible in a telescope, but now it is exactly in the same sector where (or from) the rays hit the Sun. Considering that Jupiter is not a simple planet and the satellites there are also not simple, there is an opinion that the rays came from somewhere from the direction of Jupiter. Maybe some kind of portal was working to collect energy, or vice versa – they were shooting “laser beams” at the Sun. 
Within the framework of this version, Nibiru and some Anunnaki spaceships are also considered, which either shot at the Sun (aiming directly at the spot AR3664), or vice versa – they drew energy from the spot, preventing the possibility of a very strong explosion. But then the ships must be some very large and very powerful – the thickness of the “laser beam” was about a thousand kilometers. 
We won’t offer too many theories about these rays because we don’t know what it was. But we know for sure that, firstly, the officials do not say much about the Sun or even lie, and secondly, the strange spot AR3664 turns towards us again and again splashes with flares. This means that the rays will appear there again. So we’ll keep an eye on developments.
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