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May 19

May 19

Father Absolute – Two realities (How the three-dimensional matrix was created)
May 19, 2024

Hello, my dear beloved children!
Today I want to talk to you again about the three-dimensional matrix and reveal a little about the history of its creation.
This happened many centuries ago, and the reason for this was the Dracoreptiles’ awareness of the fact that the Divine principle in man is too strong and they themselves will not be able to completely suppress it.
And then it was decided to create some additional “tool” for influencing people’s consciousness, which would “broadcast” to the Earth not only the energies needed for this, but also thought forms.
For this purpose, the developments of technogenic civilizations, which you are accustomed to calling the Grays, were involved.
In fact, this concept includes not one, but several civilizations of similar vibrations.
And this alliance between the Dracoreptiles and the Grays turned out to be so strong that it continues to this day.
These civilizations have many things in common, but the main thing is the complete lack of empathy among their representatives and their focus exclusively on the material side of life.
In human understanding, these are soulless creatures.
Their strength lies in the fact that they are constantly improving their technical developments, and humanity has become a huge testing ground for them, and in the long term.
The Grays enthusiastically took on the task set before them by the Dracoreptiles: to create on the subtle plane of the Earth an energy-informational structure capable of controlling the consciousness of people.
The result exceeded all their expectations, since with the advent of the three-dimensional matrix, the Dracoreptiles were already able to easily put into people’s heads those thoughts, emotions and even entire behavioral programs that allowed them to direct people’s consciousness in the direction they needed.
Thus, gradually new ways of life and traditions were introduced into human society, which no longer carried freedom and equality, which was characteristic of humanity at the dawn of its existence, but restrictions of all kinds.
In parallel with this, the Dracoreptilians systematically introduced their proteges into all branches of government on Earth – religious and secular, and especially into the financial spheres of all levels.
As a result, the inhabitants of the Earth found themselves in a trap, entangled in the “nets” of alien programs from above and below.
And now this long-standing collaboration of Dracoreptilians with the civilizations of the Grays has brought humanity to the brink of extinction, since the technologies of the Grays have reached such heights over these centuries that they are capable of influencing not only the consciousness of people, but also their bodies and even the genome.
This is what you can see everywhere now.
Therefore, the destruction of the three-dimensional matrix now becomes for you not just a priority task, but also a means of survival.
As soon as this matrix is destroyed, there will be a general awakening of humanity, since the source of influence on the consciousness of people, which has been destroying the Divine principle in pure human souls for so many centuries, will disappear.
And the recent practice “Broken Web” can help you with this.
The Father Absolute, who loves you immensely, spoke to you.
Channeled by Marta on May 19, 2024
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