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May 20

May 20

Father Absolute – Two Realities (The influence of the three-dimensional matrix on the collective consciousness of humanity)
May 20, 2024

Hello, my dear beloved children!
As a continuation of my previous message, today I want to reveal to you another aspect of the influence of the three-dimensional matrix on people.
The fact is that it affects not only individual people, but also the collective consciousness of humanity as a whole.
In other words, it covers both the subtle and the physical plane at the same time.
And now we will talk in more detail about its interaction with the collective consciousness of humanity.
As you already know, any collective consciousness is a type of egregor, but there are some differences here.
So, for example, if a religious egregor carries the dogmas and postulates of a particular religion and concentrates in itself the energies of people professing this religion, then the collective consciousness of humanity has a completely different scale.
It contains the energies of people of various nationalities, traditions, religions, political and social trends – in a word, the entire diversity of human views and beliefs.
And if you add to this the uniqueness of each individual person with his unique emotional “background” and the originality of his thinking, you will get a complete picture of what the collective consciousness of humanity consists of.
And yet the three-dimensional matrix is capable of influencing even him.
This happens through energy-informational waves of directed action, which, dissolving in the collective consciousness of humanity, then affect the inhabitants of the Earth.
And since every person is, to one degree or another, connected with the collective consciousness of humanity, he unwittingly receives his own “dose of radiation” from energies and thought forms that are alien to him.
They, like invisible enemies, penetrate his consciousness, increasingly strengthening their positions there.
And since they coincide with what the representatives of the authorities – secular and religious, the media, the film industry, show business, and the Internet, constantly instill in people under the control of the Dracoreptiles, all this is gradually deposited in the subconscious of a person.
This creates an obedient gray mass that is easy to manage.
Breaking out of this vicious circle is not easy.
And often those who succeed are called renegades, black sheep, strange, inadequate people, since “being like everyone else” has long become synonymous with human integrity.
But with the advent of “star seeding” on Earth, a process of mass “exodus” from the influence of the three-dimensional matrix and at the same time a powerful “infusion” of pure Divine energies into the collective consciousness of humanity began.
This confrontation has been going on for decades, which is bearing fruit, although not as quickly as pure human souls would like.
But now this process is going faster, since all the Forces of Light and your Galactic family have joined it.
This is where we will stop today.
The Father Absolute, who loves you immensely, spoke to you.
Channeled by Marta on May 20, 2024
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