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Arcturian Group: About Chakras

Arcturian Group: About Chakras

Arcturian Group: About Chakras

Contact: architect

C: Let’s continue. Do I understand correctly that the range of shades of Awareness produced by Arcturians is small? Is this due to the fact that your specialization requires the most stable and calm states of consciousness?
A.G.: Not everyone in our civilization is a healer. Arcturians engage in a wide variety of activities. It’s just that our community has created favorable conditions for studying soul healing. This contributed to the creation of a strong school in this specialization.
We already talked a little about this last time. To do our job well, we need serious spiritual discipline and the ability to enter the right states of consciousness exactly when needed. Healing connections in souls occurs when we share our beneficial states with them. But in order to share, you need to be confident in them yourself. Imagine that you are in a bad mood, and you have to calm and support someone. You can act cheerful and optimistic for him. But sincerity is important in our work. You can’t cheat and give something that doesn’t really exist.
The spectrum of shades of Awareness we produce is really small. This is a conscious choice of our community. In the life of any adult, there are sometimes key moments when one has to choose between different options. And a clear decision in favor of one of them excludes the benefits and opportunities of the other. At the level of the entire civilization, such decisions also exist.
Arcturians know and understand most of the spectrum of earthly feeling. Although you also exhibit unique shades of mood, poorly studied by us. And yet, as our communities developed, many of the emotions you are familiar with were experienced by our souls. But at a certain stage of evolution, we abandoned some of them. The majority of participants decided that such feelings are useless for us. Thus, we cut off some things in our lives that, quite possibly, would seem important to earthlings. But by limiting ourselves to a certain experience, we were able to move to a new stage of development. And when the passions in our society subsided, we managed to find calm, stable states of consciousness. The process was gradual and difficult for some. But still, the majority followed a single course of civilization and underwent the necessary transformation. Thus, the Arcturians created favorable conditions in their society for the development of healing of souls.
CH: What was the difficulty?
A.G.: How often does a person start a new life tomorrow, but then return to his previous behavior? (Smile) Habits of thought are strong, and real transformation requires serious long-term effort.
CH: If you are now looking for ways to feel more acutely, perhaps you have given up too much?
A.G.: We believe that the desire to try something new is natural. You can look for it because of an acute shortage, or you can look for it to improve the conditions that you already consider good enough. But if there is room for improvement, why not?
CH: For what reasons do your souls decide to incarnate in other civilizations? For example, in ours. Why exchange your favorable living conditions for earthly ones?
A.G.: There are those among us who really lack impressions. You would call this type of personality wanderers, travelers, emigrants. They decide to incarnate far from their homeland. Their choice is respected. Individuals living in compounds of other civilizations are provided with good support and guidance by experienced Mentors. And although they plan to leave their homeland for a short time, their experience away from home can be prolonged. For example, how it happened with some of our souls on Earth. They entered the process of transformation, but by the end of your Cycle they did not have time to complete it. Therefore, some of the Arcturians will remain and continue their experience with earthlings for another Cycle, since they are already more like you than like us. For now, they will be uncomfortable in their homeland, and we will not pull them out of earthly life, but will allow them to undergo their development to the indicators they themselves have set. As you can see, the development of new horizons also contains some kind of risks that everything will not go as planned.
CH: But your souls will still be able to return to their homeland later?
A.G.: If they themselves want it. When these souls achieve their goals of transformation, remember where they came from and what they are doing on Earth, they will be able to choose where to go next.
CH: But you said that they are no longer like you?
A.G.: This distance from the values of civilization may be temporary. Our wandering souls can try a fundamentally different experience, get enough of the impressions, and then make decisions that will again strengthen their similarity with their native race.
When you follow the same traditions of a community, there may seem to be an element of inculcating a way of thinking. Arcturians, especially young people, may doubt whether following the ready-made instructions is their own choice. In this case, they can undergo alternative experiences in other civilizations. Embodying Being far from their homeland, they forget their former selves and learn different ways of life.
There is no single spiritual and philosophical system on Earth that would be highly similar to the Arcturian one. But our souls can find in the earthly religious teachings of the East many ideas that are in tune with the wisdom of our homeland. It’s one thing to follow the ready-made path that your ancestors chose, it’s another thing to forget everything and again, already fully consciously, find those values and spiritual guidelines that you followed before forgetting. If the Arcturian souls undergoing experience in your civilization, of their own free will, choose a lifestyle close to ours, they will be able to return to their homeland, and their beliefs will be supported by personal experience.
C: So people are more emotional than you?
A.G.: Yes, earthly souls have access to a wider range of living experiences and contrasting feelings. This approach to development has advantages: sometimes you can experience truly vivid and exciting emotions. There are also disadvantages: earthlings often cannot control their own impulses, burdening the karma of their souls with behavior that harms others.
Ch.: You once told me that your chakra system is different from ours. Could we talk about this in more detail?
A.G.: The chakra system is a complex, voluminous topic. Every center in your body is multifunctional. For now, let’s limit ourselves to understanding that chakras support important vital processes in bodies and provide energy exchange, which is responsible for states of consciousness.
Seven to eight chakras are the standard range of perception for a developed individual of any civilization. It is inconvenient to perceive more broadly, and there is no particular need for it.
The first important step for those who choose vertical development is to minimize the feeling that occurs at the root chakra frequency level. This will also allow you to shift your range of perception over time to develop the eighth chakra. However, energy exchange at the level of the first center in your body gives quite intense sensations, and not everyone wants to part with them.
C.: What exactly are the sensations you are talking about?
A.G.: Earthly works of art are a vivid reflection of these states of consciousness and contain in abundance the feelings we are talking about: aggression, violence, possession of strength (power).
C: But the root chakra is responsible for survival?
A.G.: Of course, it provides energy exchange for many processes. We simply answered your question: “What sensations might a person not want to say goodbye to?”
C.: Please give a couple of examples of the desire to have power. When I was choosing this phrase, a lot of thoughts were spinning in my head.
A.G.: When a person is not understood, he often uses raised tones, can be rude and scandalous, and if this is not enough, fists may well be used. When an individual is in a strong position, he is able to put pressure on weaker ones, taking advantage of their vulnerable position. For example, a family member on whom everyone else essentially depends may demand obedience by constantly reminding him that he is the source of well-being in the home. Another example is a manager who demands a lot from his subordinates under pain of punishment, fines or dismissal.
This also works at the community level: strong countries imposing their conditions and values around the world, disputes, territorial conflicts, war. Imagine a small group of military leaders whose decisions determine whether millions of people will live or die. They, like no one else, acutely feel this possession of power.
Overcoming the desire to have power is a serious task for every person. You don’t have to be the one who controls the fate of the world. The pitfalls may well lie in everyday experience: family, friendships, work relationships.
C.: And how to behave to avoid these pitfalls?
A.G.: Possession of power is temporary, especially on Earth, where the human life span is short. Everyone comes into your world naked and leaves it naked, and can take nothing away except their accumulated wisdom. Strength, power and power over other people are no exception. We need to remember this and not become dependent on the feelings that arise in a person when he is in a position of strength. Then he easily endures the losses of his position: his stability, self-confidence, self-esteem do not suffer. Situations in which an individual loses his previous dominant position over others help him understand what he is like in himself. And with the right conclusions, free yourself from the desire to possess power.
Great potential for transformation lies in simple everyday choices. It is enough for a person, in any situation where he can use force, to choose a communication style based on respect, delicacy and love. If he is persistent in his small but daily efforts, he will be able to develop new positive habits of thinking.
C.: So, giving up the desire to have power helps us reduce energy flows through the root chakra?
A.G.: This center is important for the functioning of your bodies. But you don’t have to use it intensively. Let this and the chakra fulfills its necessary natural minimum. There is no need to overload it with feeling, because such emotional preferences keep a person firmly within the framework of third-level experience.
C.: This probably implies a refusal to consume works of art where there is aggression, violence and domination?
A.G.: Limiting cognition is not always effective. If you are interested, you can study such creativity. What is important here is to honestly evaluate one’s involvement in the narrative, the reactions, and the conclusions one draws. There are people who feel a constant desire to draw emotions from such stories and actively associate themselves with various fictional roles, becoming saturated with feelings of the low-frequency spectrum. This makes them feel more alive. In this case, we can conclude that there is a dependence, and the soul currently values such an experience. If a person consciously wants to follow the path of vertical development, he needs to reduce his need for such feelings. But the aspirations of souls are very different – they decide for themselves what they need. On the one hand, your teachers want earthlings to move to a new level, on the other hand, you cannot force anyone, otherwise the meaning and interest for souls may be lost.
CH: What is the Arcturian chakra system?
A.G.: All chakras below the fourth are inactive. That is, the lower center of our bodies is the heart.
C.: Is this the result of your conscious transformation?
A.G.: Yes.
Ch.: So, your chakra, which is responsible for sex and reproduction, is inactive?
A.G.: It is disabled. Energy exchange through it is not practiced by most of us.
CH: But was she once active?
A.G.: A very long time ago. Few people remember these times.
Ch.: Why don’t they remember? Forgotten due to long life or generations changed?
A.G.: Second.
Ch.: Aren’t you on continuous regeneration?
A.G.: This technology is well developed here. But our souls sometimes need to be renewed and acquire new qualities. We are not afraid to free ourselves from shells and sometimes forget past experiences in order to be reborn in a new quality. The desire for periodic renewal is considered quite natural in our society. And although the path of an individual with us can last many thousands of years, sometimes Arcturians get tired of the accumulated experience and go for rebirth. A certain number of souls again go through the entire path of life: childhood, growing up, formation, maturity and wisdom, but with different properties.
CH: Do your children know who they were before? Before you made the decision to be reborn and forgot everything?
A.G.: For the birth ritual, souls are formed anew. Arcturian children are blank slates, but their inclinations can be planned in advance. We have accumulated some knowledge about successful combinations of shades of the resource of life in souls, so that new offspring can go through a long and productive path. The younger generation differs from the older generation because we bring into their souls a small amount of other shades of Awareness, including rare ones that are unusual for us.
CH: Do you get these rare shades in other civilizations?
A.G.: That’s right.
C: What happens to the mind of an Arcturian who has decided to complete his journey?
A.G.: We preserve all his valuable experience in the unified information fields of civilization. These data serve as the basis for the accelerated formation of self in children. They learn quickly and easily due to the fact that ready-made logical connections of previous generations are available to them. But this does not stop them from looking for new interesting solutions on their own.
Ch.: It’s difficult to imagine what disabled lower chakras are like, being an earthly person.
A.G.: A matter of preference. For example, you don’t like to communicate with dark entities, because to interact they use low-frequency centers that are inactive for you and located below your first chakra.
Ch.: Yes, I don’t like it. There is something repulsive about this connection through the root chakra to the ultra-low ranges.
A.G.: But your interlocutors are quite satisfied with their range of interaction. He’s already confusing you. We prefer to actively use frequencies not lower than the level of the heart chakra.
Ch.: And those people who cross over, follow the same path? Disabling the lower chakras and activating those higher?
A.G.: Not necessarily. It’s too early to tell you about this, because the fourth level involves mastering interaction with the world at the level of the heart chakra. And then it all depends on personal preferences. Someone at level five will be actively working with the levels below. Others, on the contrary, will strive even higher. The fifth level is a very interesting place. You can spend millennia there, finding inspiration in the abundance of activities available.
Ch.: What will happen to the first chakra of those earthlings who move to the fourth level?
A.G.: Have you noticed a kind of contrast between the states of consciousness for which energy exchange occurs through the first and fourth chakras? There is a deep meaning in this. The transition is available to those souls who already use the root center for feeling little and without attachment. Such people feel that they no longer want to use power and learn new tools. for interaction with the world – love, care, kindness, respect, delicacy. These are not interchangeable methods of influencing others: sometimes force is effective, in other cases only gentleness helps. But some people no longer want to use force for selfish purposes. This is their conscious choice. They are moving on.
After the transition, the importance of the root chakra decreases, although some processes will continue to occur through it. It will not be disabled, because it is your link with the dark hierarchy. As you walk the path of balance, these interactions are built into your development plan.
CH: Do you have a range of seven to eight chakras?
A.G.: Yes. From fourth to eleventh.
CH: What about your younger races, who are now at the sixth level?
A.G.: At will. For many, the second chakra is still active for energy exchange. The root is disabled for everyone.
Ch.: You said that we need the first chakra to interact with the dark hierarchy. It turns out that the entire Arcturian group does not interact with the dark worlds?
A.G.: We don’t really use their services for educational interactions. The volume of destructive energy exchange in our country is too insignificant for such cooperation to be mutually beneficial.
CH: It’s unusual to think about relationships with the dark hierarchy as mutually beneficial cooperation.
A.G.: Earthlings have little control over their energy exchange and give outside a lot of dirty life resources. When a person spends, someone has to accept it. And there are those who want it, but they are essentially peculiar and very predatory. Most people are connected directly to the networks of dark hierarchy and destructive civilizations through energy exchange connections. For the resources they receive from you, they offer their services. Dark essences influence earthly souls at the request of the development hierarchy, and destructive civilizations help earthlings with technologies, engineers and other service personnel.
Ch.: And our souls went to this voluntarily?
A.G.: Yes. The soul of God is sacred and should not be exhausted in the process of life of the inhabitants of the worlds. Universal laws require the movement of Awareness in closed cycles. Therefore, earthlings have close ties with those who collect the resources that they unknowingly spill. These members help your souls comply with the law that ensures the safety of the source of life.
CH: Now I understand the role of the dark hierarchy a little better. It seemed to me that they rather create a difficult and unpleasant experience for us to develop.
A.G.: Your experience was intended to be quite complex and contrasting. In addition, many earthly processes are now impossible to control; too intricate, ineffective connections have been built in huge quantities.
The key interest of dark entities is still their own survival. The dark hierarchy receives resources for working with you, and they don’t really have a choice. But they are rather service personnel in the processes of your development. And your souls are customers.
C.: Thank you for the conversation! I’ll prepare new questions a little later.
A.G.: Okay, see you later.
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