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The locked door is in you there is the key

The locked door is in you, there is the key

“The locked door is in you, there is the key”

“If it weren’t for the enormous effort we put into denying, repressing, and doubting, the lives of each and every one of us would be a constant revelation. The locked door is within you, there is the key.
The first step to finding it is to recognize that no one is hiding any knowledge from us except ourselves. And no one else knows the answers. The moment you find the key will come when you can honestly say, “I need to know. I can’t wait a moment longer.”
Take quite literally the words of the New Testament: “Knock, and it shall be opened unto you; ask, and it shall be given you.” It’s so simple. You don’t have to earn the right to knock. You don’t need to know more than you already know. Your next thought, feeling, or action is enough to reveal the deepest spiritual secrets.”
From The Book of Secrets, Deepak Chopra
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