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Feel how you live

Feel how you live

Feel how you live

Many people feel that someone should tell them how to live and what to do?
But this is an unconscious life. Only from within ourselves can we feel our Path. Only the Soul (the Higher Self, the Divine being, the God within… essentially all One) can intuitively guide.
Everyone around is just Helpers on the Path. They can transmit external tips, signs from Above, share experiences, support…
But no one can live for us, go through experience, lessons. Only we!
And the more a person takes responsibility for his life, for his choice, for all the energies that he emits every day, the more he feels like its creator.
Moreover, True Responsibility, as Awareness, that everything in your life was created only by yourself. He can change everything himself!
We are all creators of our lives! Just as we created everything, we can change everything!
And, first of all, we can change our attitude towards everything. What we set our minds to is what we get in our lives. This is where you should always start!
Tune into your Divine Being!
With love to everyone,
Magda Funia.
P.S. It may seem to everyone that taking full responsibility for one’s life is at odds with reality. I would like to add: human suffering increases manifold when one is perceived as an innocent victim, and taking full responsibility excludes the innocent victim, therefore, reduces suffering manifold. Yosif Yorgov
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