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Feminine qualities that attract decent men

Feminine qualities that attract decent men

Feminine qualities that attract decent men

Representatives of the stronger sex have not denied for a long time that they first of all pay attention to the appearance of women and only then think about whether it is worth getting to know her or not. And yet there is a part of men whose opinion differs from the majority: they look at their potential partner from a completely different angle, betting on unnoticed and even strange qualities. And if your admirer gives you a compliment that focuses on one or more of the following qualities, we advise you not to miss it – what we have mentioned below attracts only kind and honorable men.
Nowadays, there is an opinion that men are most attracted to the “inaccessible enigma” type. Yes, for some this statement is true, but only for those who love emotional swings and put passionate flirting above healthy relationships. Good, decent men are always attracted to sincere and spontaneous personalities. A woman’s good heart will always be the most important characteristic, as it shows that the girl has a core and life principles. She doesn’t play games or try to pretend to be someone she’s not. Men don’t like to compete with their lovers. Everything is relative in this world, so if you are a naturally strong woman, you need a man who is stronger than you. This does not mean that he must necessarily dominate the relationship. This means that by showing your weakness, you can count on strength and courageous actions on his part.
Stupid/inappropriate jokes;
In his famous song Take Me to Church, singer Hozier perfectly describes men’s attraction to women with a quirky sense of humor: “My sweetheart is always joking… She’s the one who can laugh at a funeral…”. This line may seem strange, but many men will agree with the author – girls whose sense of humor is understood by few people except their friends and relatives are almost the most desirable in the eyes of their admirers. This is a sign of uniqueness, sincerity and the ability to think outside the box. In addition, wit makes any situation less tense: flirting is much easier if both are in a good mood. We are sure you also like funny and ironic men with whom you will never be bored.
Suspiciously long eye contact;
Relationship coaches say that prolonged eye contact is manipulative. Whether this is true or not is a moot point, because for some, a look (even a very long one) has absolutely no meaning. However, the fact remains that for a man, eye contact is a catalyst, a signal that a woman likes him. And even if you are not playing games or trying to attract attention, you should be careful with the suspiciously long gaze – it can attract even those who are not interested in you.
Small gestures;
When men interact with a woman they find attractive, they engage in a staring game. As she enthusiastically narrates or explains something, he examines every gesture, smile and other small details that make her who she is. They like it when a girl tucks her hair behind her ear, blushes, or blinks her eyelashes frequently. 30 Affirmations to Attract a Man into Your Life They find him sweet and sincere, which, as mentioned above, is a crucial factor in attracting attention. The key here is not to try to do anything on purpose: just be yourself and gesture in a way that is most comfortable for you. If this is your man, then he will be attracted to the way you simply breathe and exist.
The way you treat others;
Men are always watching how women interact with the outside world. This applies to literally everything – people, animals, small events happening around. It may seem to many that men do not pay attention to such small things, but this is a big mistake: they are always interested in how their future partner interacts with third factors. If you go on a date in a restaurant, be polite to the staff, don’t roll your eyes, and don’t try to look tougher than you really are, that will be a plus. Men are excited when women are happy at the sight of children and dogs and try to “make friends” with them: a desire is awakened in them to protect and “seal” this tenderness that makes their heart beat faster
Venelina Marinova
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