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Feminine energies of Andromeda

Feminine energies of Andromeda

Feminine energies of Andromeda

Our closest Galaxy is Andromeda, which is moving at great speed towards our Milky Way. It is much larger than our Galaxy and has a female form. About four years ago I was at the Pulkovo Observatory, so it was much further from us.
Today, a large flow of 5D Feminine energy emanates from her, which is so lacking on our planet. We have lived in a patriarchal society for a long time, but today the time has come for equilibrium and balance. The people of Earth must balance what was once inharmonious.
It is no coincidence that the Andromeda Galaxy is rushing towards us. Like everything in nature, our Galaxies want to be fertilized, which is done through Viziga Pixis. That is, they will unite, our Galaxy will grow to the size of Andromeda, a powerful explosion will occur, and they will give birth to two new Galaxies, that is, they will multiply, as cells do. Everything in the Cosmos is carried out similarly.
At such a moment, a person should no longer be in the physical body, and in the astral plane we will not be afraid of anything. Many people at the hour of death fly away to rest on Andromeda, since they are her creation. The time will soon come when we will become close relatives with them, although on Earth we have already become them. There are quite a lot of Andromethans on the planet.
Now is the time to ground and heal our bodies. The rest of May passes under the auspices of karmic relationships. We are finalizing what we didn’t have time to do, but in a lighter version. Any of our emerging relationships can be karmic if they cause you anger or irritation. Pay attention to this. Be calm, as any minor phrase can cause resentment.
If you have pain on the right side of the body, then this is masculine energy, on the left side – feminine. Psychosomatics will already be clear where and for what reason this or that disease arose. Walk through your chakras, determine which of them contains the diseased organ and draw the appropriate conclusions about what and how you need to change in your character, habits and destiny.
Earthlings are waiting for their transformation, and it is already underway, whether anyone notices it or not. Internally, we align ourselves, bring our bodies into proper condition, transform our DNA, and all the energy organs of the body. Help them, engage in conscious work with the chakras, kundalini, Merkabah and other subtle bodies.
New rays from Andromeda can well rejuvenate men. This will serve as a massive cleansing and transformation, since feminine energies are softer and more digestible, pleasant for the male class. This will also heal the Earth from being filled with fundamental energies resulting from many years of existence in a dense body and in negative energies.
The green and violet radiations of Andromeda will change the Codes of human structure, which still influence its manifestations in physical existence. The recent solar activity was not accidental, it worked as a stimulant for the acceptance of these new energies and the restructuring of low vibrations.
Bringing together the subtle bodies of a person and the physical, new Codes work at the level of a new dimension. The earth is a little ahead of us in its rise. But these events will bring closer our transformation and the transmutation of our planet, which some fireflies can already see.
Andromeda’s emanations are capable of adjusting the emanations of people and the Earth to a new perception of reality. The Creator does everything to transform us and uses all his abilities for this, attracting other Galaxies and Stars.
Such a nourishing energetic message accelerates our transmutation; our brothers and neighbors with deep love try to help us overcome the obstacles that arise on our road and help us tap into new possibilities of our being.
A person must conduct introspection in order to accept into his balance the new feminine energies that have been suppressed since we embarked on the path of ruin and rejection of each other, when we refused to honor femininity in all its greatness, since these are the energies of the mother and our half .
This has become an obstacle to our human unification and movement towards progress. Bringing back balance to our bodies and to the planet is the challenge of today, and it is gaining more and more popularity. Men become softer and more sensual.
And women begin to shed their “iron eggs,” becoming more feminine and warm. No one can take away the function of motherhood from her, no one can overthrow her dignity, her beginnings, the birth of new offspring and new life.
The Creator will not allow life and its movement to stop. At the same time, it is necessary to glorify the masculine loving principle. This way we can prepare a quantum leap to a new level. Men should not be afraid of losing their superiority in society, everything will now act harmoniously.
Developing intuition and connecting with your Higher Self is a worthy start for further advancement and a new perception of reality. Only by overcoming certain difficulties can humanity move forward unhindered, transforming its everyday life eternal life, becoming stronger and more powerful over and over again.
The Earth’s electromagnetic field is changing greatly, unprecedented processes are taking place there. Energy holes form a series of vortices that rage across its entire surface. Such cataclysms will continue to torment the body of the planet for some time in all corners where all low frequencies need to be swept away.
Humanity is moving towards Unity, towards a community of souls striving to grow together. The energy of love and light that fireflies emit has a multiplying effect of positive change throughout the planet. Synergy unites and helps those who have not yet awakened to heal and develop.
Our divine purpose sounds like a call from our most loving beginning, our heart, the voice of which must be trusted and opened, especially when the outside world does not correspond to our desire.
To navigate this moment of change with greater clarity and confidence, develop your intuition, which directly connects you with your Higher Self.
Program it, communicate with it before going to bed, so that it brings you answers to your queries at night. Do not think that you can follow the path of the heart without obstacles and without complications, this simply cannot happen. Be worthy of the Observer of your emanations.
Reconsider your relationships and connections, abandon unworthy people who make you victims, carry negativity and consume your energy. But at the same time, surround yourself with people who love you, who forgive you, treat people with compassion and help you. Such relationships will serve as pillars of strength, which in the coming future will be the foundation of your Transition.
Multidimensional structures of the fifth dimension will not come from nowhere, they have always existed and exist around us, everything already exists and will exist in Eternity. Likewise, the structure of a perfect person is already in you; only by going deeper into your heart will you be able to perceive all this. The external world is illusory, since it is only a Cosmic Reflection.
Do you feed the light or the darkness? Monitor your actions, expressions and thoughts, always be based on love and light, let this become your constant goal. This is your divine essence, which must manifest itself in the outside world today, now, unconditionally and constantly.
Thank you, our brothers from the Andromeda Galaxy! We thank our Mentors and Teachers from the Higher Spheres of Light, we thank our Greatest Creator, our Father-Mother, who do not leave us alone with our hardships and shortcomings, and do everything so that we grow up, are saturated with their Grace and Love, and in the end finally ascended! Let it be so!
With respect and love, Tatyana Ryazanova! “Kwantsin” 05/25/2024
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