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May 27

May 27

Lucifer – A feasible contribution
May 27, 2024

Hello, my dear bright souls!
Today I want to tell you about how events are developing on the subtle plane of the Earth and how this is reflected on its physical plane.
The three-dimensional matrix begins to “burst at the seams,” which came as a surprise to the deep state, for which it has always been a reliable assistant in controlling the consciousness of the inhabitants of the Earth.
And now the Dracoreptiles are trying to compensate for its decreased effectiveness with their actions on the physical plane.
For example, in order to maintain fear in people, they disseminate information about new dangerous viruses and upcoming climate disasters that will bring hunger and devastation to people.
To maintain aggression, they incite ethnic conflicts and sow religious hatred between peoples.
And since almost all the world’s media are still in their hands, this is not difficult for them.
But what is turning into a big problem for the deep state are new leaders who are increasingly asserting themselves and criticizing the ruling elite, which is leading their countries and people into the political, economic and moral “abyss.”
And since every day these leaders are gaining popularity among people, the globalists are already taking such desperate steps as physically eliminating the “rebellious”.
This year largely determines the future of your planet, since election campaigns have now begun not only in individual countries, but also in the European Parliament, which determines the policy of the entire European Union.
Therefore, now a lot really depends on people: will they be able to discern the true faces of those on whom their destinies, and sometimes even their health and lives, depend, or will everything be left to chance, and the same corrupt elite of globalists’ henchmen will remain in power.
On the subtle plane, everything is being done to ensure that people awaken, but for this to be fully reflected in your earthly affairs, a critical mass of people is needed with a powerful internal opposition to the policies of the globalists, which will be followed by specific actions to eliminate their puppets in power.
But such work must be carried out calmly and systematically, without anger and aggression, which will be the key to its successful completion.
The enemy is too dangerous to act with an “open visor,” but inaction now is like death.
Therefore, voting for worthy candidates at all levels of government may be an ideal option.
But for this to happen, it is necessary to carefully study each of them, so as not to once again fall into the trap of beautiful words and flattering promises, which all candidates are so generous with during their election campaigns.
It’s time to judge people by their deeds, not their words, which is within your reach.
And may wise, thoughtful and, most importantly, active participation in elections, wherever they take place, become your contribution to the common cause of the victory of the Forces of Light on Earth.
As for non-participation in elections, which is typical for many people who disagree with the authorities, in this situation this can be regarded as desertion in relation to others – those who are making every effort to free themselves from the power of the corrupt elite and begin to build a fair life in new Earth.
Moreover, such a step does not even require excessive efforts or special courage from you, but only a conscious and wise approach to the existing reality.
All the Forces of Light are waiting for specific actions from you – those that are within your power, which will help anchor the efforts that they are making on the subtle plane of the Earth to save humanity.
Archangel Lucifer, who sincerely loves you, spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on May 27, 2024
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