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Nostradamus warned about the planetary alignment on June 2

Nostradamus warned about the planetary alignment on June 2

Nostradamus warned about the planetary alignment on June 2

On June 2-4, 2024, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune and Uranus will line up in the sky, creating what is called a planetary alignment. Physically the planets will not be in a straight line at all, but visually they will be in a row.
Moreover, if you also count the Sun, invisible Venus (it is now exactly near Jupiter), the Earth and the Moon, then there are even 10 celestial bodies:
Usually, astrologers, numerologists and conspiracy theorists predict terrible things for such alignments, so now there is a competition on the conspiracy blogodrome to see who can predict the most terrible things.
We will not join the competition, however, we note that Michel Nostradamus has the following line in one of his quatrains:
When the planetary alignment takes effect, there will be an earthquake in the New City.
In the USA, this quatrain is quite famous, not because everyone there reads all the quatrains in school, but because back in 1981, Orson Welles released a documentary about the medieval prophet, “Nostradamus: The Man Who Saw Tomorrow.” “
In this film the quatrain was examined in great detail. According to the author of the film, we are talking about either New York or some other city that is new. Since then, as soon as one or another serious alignment happened in the sky, American newspapers fancied the Apocalypse in New York, New Orleans and others like them. 
This went on for quite a long time, until the new millennium arrived and newspaper editors, either who watched this film, or who knew the quatrains by heart, retired. Therefore, the media editors changed, the public changed, and everyone forgot about the terrible, terrible planetary alignments. And this makes sense – planetary alignments happen quite often. However, there is a nuance. 
As renowned astronomers write, planetary alignments come in different densities. Usually the planets line up in threes and fives. And the alignment on June 2-4 will be very rare, the last one was somewhere during the time of Michel Nostradamus, that is, 400+ years ago. Therefore, who knows – maybe the medieval prophet wrote about this very alignment, so we are following the development of events.
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