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Floods pumped out all the water from the atmosphere

Floods pumped out all the water from the atmosphere

Floods pumped out all the water from the atmosphere

Just 4-5 years ago, which flew by like one day, impossibly quickly, climate anomalies were certainly present in every issue of every newspaper, since people were terribly interested in this topic. There were even many websites that specialized only in weather.
And it cannot be said that they complained about attendance. However, the pandemic, treatment for the pandemic, Ukraine, Israel and many other things have pushed the weather somewhere into the 33rd place – against the backdrop of what is happening around and that the weather is forecast for everyone to be somehow violet.
However, while reading today’s weather review from comrade @hermesisos, very interesting thoughts came to our minds, which we will further share with our readers. But first the weather. 
Kazakhstan, May 24:
France, May 24:
Turkey, May 24:
Ghana, May 23:
Colombia, May 24:
Brazil, May 23:
India, May 22:
We listed the floods not so much by country, but by continent, but there are many, many more countries – Canada, USA, Italy, China, Indonesia, the Middle East, Afghanistan, Iran – everywhere it either pours like buckets, or ice stones from the sky 
And we note that this is not the first day – it started with floods in the Moksha swamps, then China, Brazil, the UAE, Europe and so on. We will not say that such a wide geography of rainfall is not the norm – even children know this. But we want to remind you about such a thing as the water cycle in nature. 
The meaning of this circulation is that water is not supplied to the atmosphere from a hose drawn from the moon. This is evaporation from the oceans, the rate of which is limited. The capacity of the atmosphere is also not infinite, as is the speed of movement of atmospheric rivers. Therefore, if so much water has spilled in a month, the average humidity in the atmosphere is now somewhere like above the Atacama Desert. Well, or like over the Mojave Desert, so as not to go too far.
This means that when the floods and rains pass, the world will face a wild drought for several months. Therefore, it may even be that someone deliberately provoked such a release of the atmosphere from moisture, so that everything in the fields would dry out with a guarantee, so we are monitoring the developments.
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