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On May 27 the Antichrist will be crowned in Geneva

On May 27, the Antichrist will be crowned in Geneva

On May 27, the Antichrist will be crowned in Geneva : Two dozen governors are warning against a pandemic deal they say will give “out-of-control” World Health Organization chief Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus sweeping emergency powers.
In a letter to Joe Biden, they say the president should not sign the agreement because it would allow the WHO to declare a global health emergency and force the US to impose quarantines and mandate vaccinations.
Health officials from the WHO’s 194 member states are still negotiating the text of the agreement, which is intended to boost cooperation against future pathogens after the coronavirus killed millions of people.
The deal, an update to existing health rules on outbreaks and a new legally binding treaty, could be formalized at the World Health Assembly, which takes place from May 27 to June 1 in Geneva, Switzerland.
This may be the biggest expansion of the agency’s scope since its creation in 1948.
Governors including Ron DeSantis of Florida and Greg Abbott of Texas say it would “undermine national sovereignty, infringe on states’ rights and jeopardize constitutionally guaranteed liberties.”
“The purpose of these tools is to give the WHO, especially its unchecked Director General, the power to restrict the rights of US citizens,” the May 22 letter said.
Under the agreement, Americans could lose core “freedoms such as speech, privacy, travel, health care choices, and informed consent, thereby violating core principles of our Constitution,” the governors say.
Instead of US lawmakers setting health rules during a crisis, Tedros will be able to tell US citizens what to do, the letter said.
“Public health policy is a matter reserved for the states, not the federal government and certainly not international organizations such as the WHO,” the letter said.
Commentary from the Editors of The Big The One: Modern democracy, even in democratic countries, has long turned into a political circus, during which the highest power in the countries belongs to very strange people. For example, in future elections in the United States, Americans will be asked to choose from the options “bad” and “very bad.” And everyone understands this, including the leaders of the Republicans and Democrats. But the political system is structured in such a way that even Nikki Haley, whom many in America like and who is driven by serious people, has little chance of getting into the White House. And what can we say about mere mortals, whom no one is moving anywhere. What kind of democracy is this?
However, from May 27 to June 1 in Geneva, another attempt will be made to impose on people not even symbolic democracy, but in general some kind of fierce fuck-up, when an UNELECTED and UNACCOUNTABLE dick is endowed with an unprecedented level of global power. He has the power to declare  emergencies, introduce mandatory vaccines, and vaccine passports. He has the power to close factories and stop world trade. He has the right to censor dissenting voices. 
Countries and peoples, with the exception, of course, of the Moksha swamps, for centuries gave the lives of their people in the millions so that no one from the outside had such a right. It is precisely this kind of external law that Ukrainians are now fighting against, so that some blasphemer sitting in Moscow does not control our lives, does not explain which side of the street to walk on, and so on.
But something happened to planet Earth. Instead of raising the crazy bastards from the UN and WHO to pitchforks, everyone nods in agreement and is ready to present them with the keys to the world.
As it is written in various ancient religious texts, all this will end sadly – both for the world and for the mortal schmucks who imagine themselves to be gods. Moreover, it will end quite quickly, so we are monitoring the developments.

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