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May 16

May 16

Father Absolute – Two Realities (New Habit)
May 16, 2024

Hello, my dear beloved children!
Today we move on to the third stage of the Broken Web practice, which is to develop a new skill, or, in other words, a new spontaneous reaction to everything that happens in your life.
Once you have learned to clearly identify which setting or three-dimensional program influenced certain of your thoughts, emotions and actions, the next step can be to instantly reprogram them into new settings in which there is no longer any place for duality.
And here’s how you can do it.
For example, if you are once again outraged by some world event, then instead of going into arguments about its injustice and condemning its participants, think that the more absurd and tragic the event, the more people it can awaken.
Remember often the expression “The worse, the better.” It is this that is currently your lifesaver, since out of despair and awareness of their defeat, globalists are now committing actions that most often turn against themselves.
Or, for example, if you are overwhelmed with irritation about a person you don’t like and you involuntarily begin to compare yourself with him, immediately remember that comparison is one of the main signs of duality, artificially created by a three-dimensional matrix.
The same applies to the condemnation mentioned above.
As a result, each time you do exactly this, you will be able to identify those “cells” of the three-dimensional matrix that transmit such thoughts and emotions to the Earth.
And having identified them, immediately direct the Energy of the Great Central Sun to them in order to “de-energize” them, thereby increasing the “gaps” in the matrix “web”.
Turn it into a game, my dears, and then everything will work out easily and carefree for you.
And most importantly, such a game will allow you to acquire a new habit much faster: instantly transform dual thoughts and emotions into unipolar ones, characteristic of higher dimensions.
Then you yourself will not notice how your consciousness will leave the influence of the three-dimensional matrix and acquire a completely different quality – one that will allow you to remain longer and longer in the energy space of the Fifth Dimension without plunging back into three dimensions.
And I bless you for this!
The Father Absolute, who loves you immensely, spoke to you.
Channeled by Marta on May 16, 2024
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