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May 15

May 15

Father Absolute – Two Realities (Cell by Cell)
May 15, 2024

Hello, my dear beloved children!
As a continuation of my previous message, today we move on to the second stage of the Broken Web practice.
And this is precisely a practice, since it does not require entering a deep meditative state.
Nevertheless, it should be carried out only after you have mastered its first part and learned to feel well the energy and semantic components of the matrix “grid”, or “web”.
And this practice lies in the fact that every time you catch yourself thinking that you are again trapped in a three-dimensional matrix, you will need to call on the Energy of the Great Central Sun and ask it to dissolve the energetic and mental components of the “cell”, into in whose captivity you found yourself.
The fact is that each of these “cells” contains one or another installation or program, which is read by your consciousness or even lives in your subconscious for a long time.
And now you need to break this strong connection at all costs, which will help you get rid of this program and at the same time weaken the matrix “web”, violating its integrity and strength.
This practice is similar to the one in which you used energy “traps” for three-dimensional programs, but there is one difference.
It is already deeper and more extensive in nature, removing not only your three-dimensional thoughts and emotions, but also their source – what provokes them in you.
This principle is already familiar to you.
So, for example, in order to heal any disease, it is necessary to detect and neutralize its source.
So it is here: in order to get rid of three-dimensional programs forever, you need to find what provokes them.
And in this case, it is a three-dimensional matrix created on the subtle plane of the Earth, constantly influencing your consciousness.
This is why, my dear ones, it is so difficult for you to work with your thoughts and emotions: no matter how much you delete them, they appear again and again in your consciousness.
And this happens because the three-dimensional matrix itself has not yet been destroyed.
Once this happens, you will feel such freedom and lightness as you have never experienced before.
Unconditional Love will enter your life naturally and without any effort on your part, since it is your true Divine essence – what is inherent in you from birth.
But it is she who poses the greatest danger to the Dracoreptiles and their minions, since the three-dimensional matrix no longer has power over such people.
Now many of you already have the level of vibrations that allows you, being in your physical body, to carry out work on dissolving the three-dimensional matrix, freeing yourself from its influence and helping others to do this – those who have not yet reached a sufficient level of vibrations for this work .
This is where we will stop today.
The Father Absolute, who loves you immensely, spoke to you.
Channeled by Marta on May 15, 2024
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