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One in 10 people does not have an inner voice

One in 10 people does not have an inner voice

One in 10 people does not have an inner voice

Do you have an inner voice? One in ten people does not have one, and this can affect their ability to remember information.
In the past, it was generally assumed that the inner voice was a universal human experience. In recent years, however, scientists have discovered that not every mind has an inner monologue, with between 5 and 10% of people lacking an inner voice.
“Some say they think in pictures and then translate the pictures into words when they have to say something,” said linguist Johanna Nedergaard of the University of Copenhagen.
“Others describe their brain as a well-functioning computer that just doesn’t process thoughts verbally, and that the connection to the speaker and microphone is different from other people’s. And those who say something verbal is going on in their head usually describe it like words without sound.”
In the new study, published in the journal Psychological Science, Nedergaard and her colleague Gary Lupian of the University of Wisconsin-Madison decided to investigate whether this lack of an inner voice, which the duo calls anendophasia, could affect the way people solve problems and remember. information.
The study involved 93 adults, half of whom reported low levels of inner speech. Participants were given four performance tasks that involved remembering words in a sequence and determining whether a set of pictures contained rhyming words.
In the first task, the team hypothesized that people with anendophasia would have a harder time remembering these long lists of words because they are remembered more easily when you repeat them in your head.
“And that hypothesis turned out to be true,” Nedergaard said. “Participants without an inner voice did significantly worse at word recall. The same was true of a task in which participants had to determine whether a pair of pictures contained words that rhymed, for example pictures of a sock and a clock. And here from a crucial it is important to be able to repeat the words to compare their sounds and thus determine whether they rhyme.”
This begs the question: Does anendophasia have any practical or behavioral significance for those who experience it?
“The short answer is we just don’t know because we’ve only just started studying it,” Nedergaard said. “But there is one area where we suspect that having an inner voice plays a role, and that is therapy; in the widely used cognitive-behavioral therapy, for example, unfavorable thought patterns need to be identified and changed, and having an inner voice can be very important in this process. However, it is not yet certain whether differences in the experience of the inner voice are related to how people respond to different types of therapy.”
Nedergaard adds that much more research needs to be done to fully understand the effects of anendophasia.
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