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Philosophy is the territory of meaning

Philosophy is the territory of meaning

Philosophy is the territory of meaning and the queen of all sciences

Philosophy in the royal crown sits on the throne in the very center, and the seven petals are the seven disciplines: grammar, rhetoric, dialectics, music, arithmetic, geometry, astronomy. This is how our ancestors saw the hierarchical structure of knowledge about the world.
Philosophy is the operating system of our worldview. Our current operating system is hopelessly outdated and can no longer cope, but what will replace it? I have already written a little about the role of philosophy earlier.
People today generally lack a philosophical basis for their worldview. There is not a single more or less holistic study on the topic “How philosophy affects the quality of life.” Ask anyone, even yourself, “What is your philosophical background?” And in response – silence…
In our society, philosophy today is given a tertiary role as an auxiliary science, which mainly deals with the study of ancient (and not so ancient) texts. Philosophy has long been relegated to the rank of “history of philosophy.” It is believed that in this regard, everything that could be said has already been said, and we can only explore the “well-forgotten old things” in order to extract a couple of thoughtful quotes from him.
People simply do not understand that even the most ordinary dialogue or argument requires at least some kind of philosophical basis. Why? Yes, because it is important to understand what meaning you put into the terms and concepts that you use. You use, for example, the word “space” or the word “life” – what do you mean by these terms? Are you sure that other participants in the conversation give the same meaning to this word as you do? Philosophy makes it possible to make dialogue meaningful.
The issue of ideological hygiene is not on the agenda today. Sometimes topics about “braces” pop up in the general information field, but few people pay attention to them. They set the older generation on edge, because there is a lot of hypocrisy in this discourse, and the younger generation does not go into details at all – they sincerely do not care.
There is a suspicion that in our age of pseudo-postmodernism, no one cares about the true meaning of words at all. Truth or lies, common sense or prejudice – what’s the difference?! Everyone is only interested in material status. If you have money, we’ll listen to you; if you don’t have money, who are you? If you are so smart, then why are you so poor? If you are rich, then you are an authority!
Personally, I am convinced that philosophy is the queen of sciences. And specialists in the history of philosophy must agree that in ancient times it was considered just that. Music, mathematics, astronomy are just necessary preparatory disciplines that must be mastered in order to practice philosophy. Try to tell someone about this today – they will laugh.
The attitude of the broad masses of the population towards philosophy, however, does not negate its paramount importance in the process of understanding reality. Without a philosophical basis, it is pointless to talk about any understanding of anything. Scientists can invent any new technologies they want, but if they do not have a philosophical justification for “why” they are looking for what they are looking for, then the result of their efforts can be compared to the well-known parable about feeling an elephant in a dark room.
At best, today we can answer the question “what?” happens, we are sometimes interested in “how?” it happens, but almost no one can answer “why?” all this takes place. And the question “what next?” remains completely beyond our understanding.
Briefly speaking. Philosophy is in the paddock and that’s why the whole thing.
What to do?
It is necessary to revive the authority of philosophy.
But what philosophy?
The whole problem is that we do not have at our disposal a single holistic philosophical doctrine that meets the requirements of the current moment. All that we have is just a heap of scattered knowledge of a certain number of respected people, which [knowledge] is almost impossible to reduce to a single common denominator.
All former knowledge systems have outlived their usefulness and are not in demand today precisely for the very reason that they do not correspond to the demands of the current moment. Well, who needs Hegel or Feuerbach now? Even Nietzsche, even Heidegger? Only for specialists. These systems are not applicable as a standard for a social worldview. They are too complex, confusing and highly specialized.
Religion is also not an authority today. Muslims drink, Jews eat lard, Orthodox Christians rob their fellow citizens, Buddhists fight. Yes, formally religious norms hold the last bastion of morality, but loot has long reigned in the churches of all religions. But ritualism and veneration are not suitable as the philosophical basis of a worldview.
Many people today are interested in “esotericism”. This is a convenient alternative that gives a feeling of belonging to “higher powers”, “spirituality”. But the problem here is that all these “systems” essentially strive to build pyramids. Most esoteric schools degenerate into sects. They do not need general mutual understanding, they need followers who will not ask unnecessary – uncomfortable – questions.
So, the verdict.
My friends, without a philosophical basis it is progressively The degeneration of humanity will continue. All we have are remnants that cannot be made into porridge. We need a new idea that will be supported by 99% of the world’s population. What is this?
I write about this in detail in my book “TIME. Space. Space. Introduction to heliocentrics”. And this blog, all my social networks, all my speeches are dedicated to this topic. I am convinced that I managed to find that really living grain of meaning that can become the basis of the worldview of the coming era.
I understand your skepticism. You do not know me. It’s easier for you to shrug it off and say, “Yes! Another crazy one! There’s nothing wrong with him, so he comes up with all sorts of bullshit…”
I do not insist. That’s your business.
But I am sure that among those who have read up to this point there are those who understand what I am trying to say, who hear me, who are not indifferent to all this. I am addressing you. Don’t pass by.
A unified planetary civilization awaits us ahead. Its philosophical basis will be heliocentric philosophy. Those who understand this become creators of a new world today. A few of us are enough to stop the flywheel of self-destruction and direct the development of planetary civilization in a peaceful direction. Tune in!
Timofey Alexandrovich Reshetov–territoria-smysla-i-carica-vseh-nauk
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