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May 22

May 22

Father Absolute – The Beginning of the End
May 22, 2024

Hello, my dear beloved children!
Today I want to talk to you about the current situation on Earth.
As you can see, the globalists have practically led the inhabitants of your planet to a dead end, and their own plans are collapsing in all directions.
What is happening on your planet now can be called the beginning of the end.
And that’s why.
The world as you are used to seeing it will never exist again.
And this is due to several factors.
The first is that the absurdity of the actions of the globalists has already reached the point beyond which the people of those countries, headed by puppets of the shadow government, begin to fall into the abyss – economic, political, moral.
And millions of people are beginning to understand this.
As a result, more and more people are appearing in the highest echelons of power who are ready to take responsibility for leading people out of this impasse.
Not all of these people are visible yet, but the processes currently taking place in society will soon bring them to the surface.
And this will happen because the critical mass of people’s internal need for justice, which has been accumulating all these years, will create the energetic and physical prerequisites for a change of power in many countries of the world, headed by honest, decent and, most importantly, incorruptible people.
All cynical, hypocritical, corrupt and globalist-controlled “leaders” will soon end up in the dustbin of history.
The second factor is the unification of former colonial countries against their centuries-old enslavers.
The time has come to throw off this excessive burden for them and begin to live a full life, managing the natural and human resources of their countries themselves, without giving them away for nothing to the “white masters” and not allowing them to use the truly slave labor of their citizens.
And you can see that this process has already begun all over the world.
And the third factor is that people have accumulated enormous fatigue from constant moral stress, from fear for their future, from the enormous efforts that people have to make in order to provide themselves with at least an acceptable life.
This phenomenon is like a dormant volcano that has been accumulating volcanic mass for a long time, which ultimately leads to its powerful eruption.
This is precisely the state in which society is now in many countries of the world – it literally “lives as if on a volcano.”
And if you add to all the above factors the fact that the energy of the Earth is rapidly changing, squeezing out old three-dimensional programs from it, and there is a slow but sure destruction of the three-dimensional matrix itself, then you will see a complete picture of the processes currently taking place on Earth.
Therefore, my dear ones, do not become discouraged, but double your energy work in all directions in order to bring down the “colossus with feet of clay” that is the shadow government and all its puppets as soon as possible.
In this way, you will contribute to this fateful process for your Earth of its transition to the Fifth Dimension and protect yourself from unnecessary experiences, thereby keeping your vibrations high.
And I bless you for this!
The Father Absolute, who loves you immensely, spoke to you.
Channeled by Marta on May 22, 2024
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