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Signs of a bad wife

Signs of a bad wife

Signs of a bad wife

Let’s say you love your husband. You may think of yourself as the best woman in the world, but that won’t change your man’s perception. Maybe he just doesn’t tell you anything because he doesn’t want to offend you. Therefore, you must treat yourself objectively and be able to observe yourself from the side. Psychologists will now introduce us to the signs of a bad wife. Check how many of them apply to you too.
A bad wife doesn’t cook;
Men can prepare their own food if they are single, but if you live together, you must cook. It’s not a stereotype, it’s just that men find it hard to cook, but they can do something else around the house. For example, to wash the dishes. You can also take turns cooking. It all depends on the specific situation, but it is best that you prepare the food.
The bad wife constantly reproaches;
Just listen to what you are saying. If you constantly blame your husband for something and try to change him, then you are a bad wife. In a normal relationship, everything is in balance. You can talk about what you don’t like, but you don’t have to impose your thoughts and demands. This is already called manipulation and mental abuse, which men do not forgive. Try to understand in time when you cross the border. Very often, relationships turn into a stream of negativity and demands. When this happens, marriage and love fall apart.
A bad wife does not know how to argue properly;
You argue with your husband even about something that you do not understand at all. It ruins any desire to communicate with you. As soon as his opinion becomes a reason for you to argue, you can safely file for divorce.
If the man talks to you normally and you can’t control yourself trying to humiliate him, then you have emotional problems. You should be glad he hasn’t run away from you yet. Everyone can be wrong, but not everyone can argue correctly. Learn to tactfully tell a man he’s wrong.
Your friends know all about your marriage;
If the man finds out that you tell everything to your friends, then do not expect roses on the road of married life. You shouldn’t even get married if you can’t keep your mouth shut and are dying to take your lover’s “dirty shirts” off in public. All problems should be solved independently without the intervention of your friends, mom, dad, sister, etc. Otherwise, your love will quickly turn into a cheap, stupid soap opera in which you are the main character. People like to engage in discussions about other people’s personal lives. Some are dying to maliciously discuss the failures and problems of other couples, so there is no need to “feed” envious people, hypocrites and gossipers.
A bad wife is boring in bed;
It is precisely women who bring boredom into an intimate relationship. Men are always ready for experiments and unusual experiences, while women always complain about headaches, work problems or something else. But it is intimacy that is the engine of love and harmony in marriage. The next time you try to refuse love caresses to your husband, think about it – in this way, aren’t you pushing him to look for passionate experiences elsewhere?
Author: Laura Kostova,
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