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An American child of 10 years old has been saying

An American child of 10 years old has been saying

An American child of 10 years old has been saying for two years now that there will be Hell on Earth

All eschatologists are well aware of the instructions of ancient sources, according to which, before the End of the World, children will begin to prophesy, as if contrasting their information with millions of false prophets and possessed people, who at this moment will also begin to broadcast from all angles. For example, in the Acts  of the Holy Apostles it is written about this: 
“And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh, and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions. And your elders will dream dreams, and on My servants and on My handmaids in those days I will pour out My Spirit, and they will prophesy. And I will give wonders in the heavens above and signs on the earth below, blood and fire and clouds of smoke. The sun will turn into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and shining day of the Lord comes. And it shall come to pass that whoever calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”
There are quite a few examples of such prophecies made by children – the youth Vyacheslav, a girl from the Kharkov region , to whom Afanasy Sidyachiy appeared in a dream and told a lot about the great pandemic and much more. And today, American   Sarah Love Christ Jackson shared the dreams and visions of her 10-year-old child, which she has been diligently recording for a long time. The boy’s stories have many similarities with the stories of the youth Vyacheslav. There are also many new moments that even made me feel a little uneasy. So:
(Dream of July 4, 2022) ADMIRATION. 
My son said that in his dream we were in a restaurant and the alarm started going off. When the alarm went off, people ran outside, where burning rocks fell from the sky. My son was 8 years old at that time and his vocabulary did not allow him to clearly retell what he saw. As far as I could understand, there was also some kind of earthquake, during which a liquid similar to acid flowed out from under the Earth. The son then said  he saw people disappearing. He somehow knew it was the Rapture.
(Dream of April 11, 2024) DINOSAURS – TSUNAMI – DEMONS – RED SKY. 
My son said that in the dream we were in the house we live in now. He said an alarm blared over the loudspeakers and he saw a tsunami coming from the sea. The sky was red. And when the wave passed, demons and reptiles appeared from the sea and began to devour people. 
(Dream of April 14, 2024) SPIRITUAL WAR – ANGELS – DEMONS. 
In the dream, the son was shown a beautiful sunny day, but then the sky suddenly darkened out of the blue and he saw Angels fighting demons there. He described angels with glowing white eyes and swords. Demons rushed over the earth and snatched people, Angels protected people. At this moment, volcanoes opened everywhere and earthquakes occurred. 
(Dream of May 2, 2024) HELL.
His dream began with the fact that his son was walking along some huge bridge into a dungeon and below there was a lake of lava splashing around, into which crowds of screaming skeletons were thrown. When the bridge ended, the son walked along some corridor of a huge castle, from which entrances opened into large halls, in each of which demons tormented people in one way or another. In one hall, he saw skeletons that were devouring clouds of insects; in another hall, money was scattered on the floor, skeletons were crawling and collecting them, and lava was pouring on top of them. In another hall, people were in bodily form, and demons were raping and devouring them. At the very end of the corridor, the son saw a huge demon, which was larger than everyone else. It was as if he cloned smaller demons and teleported them up to the surface. 
His dream began with a UFO. UFOs have abducted people and taken them to ships. There were demons in the UFO and part of the UFO flew over the earth and destroyed infrastructure. At the same time, much was already destroyed at that time. The sky was black, the plants did not grow and the ground was covered with gigantic spots of radiation. Dinosaurs ran along the ground, climbing out of a large black hole in the surface. They appeared from there along with demons and chased people who had not accepted the mark of the beast. And people who accepted the mark received mutations that gave them superpowers and they joined the armies of robots. The son said that he saw Jesus appear in the sky over Japan and there were 26 Angels with him. They had to fight an army of one and a half billion demons, but the son was told that 26 Angels would be enough. I asked if the son saw Jesus over America? The son said that very bad things would happen all over the world and in America there would be the most of them. Therefore, rescue efforts will begin in Japan, since the majority of people who have not accepted the mark live there. 
(Dream of May 14, 2024) UFO – HELL – FUTURE.
The son’s dream began with the fact that he was taken into a UFO. In front of this ship, he saw aliens controlling the apparatus. These were aliens, as they are depicted in pictures – small, green, with huge black eyes. Then the UFO fell, which forced the aliens to come out. There were burning buildings everywhere. People tried to attack the aliens, but they burned people with rays shooting from their eyes. Then he saw some other aliens installing a huge drilling rig. They used this thing to drill a hole into hell, where there were chained people in the form of skeletons. In a dream, the son moved into this hole. He said it was hotter than the sun and demons were everywhere tormenting, devouring and raping people. And after the skeletons regained their flesh, the torment began in a new circle. The demons were controlled remotely by what appeared to be a tall, shadowy figure. She was completely black, only with white holes instead of eyes. She had the power to paralyze and subjugate everything around her to her will. Then the son was transported to the surface and found himself in some apartment, in the living room, where the TV was on. And there on the screen was that same figure and everyone was listening to this demon. And on the street, the face of this demon was projected onto the entire sky and all the people were under the control of his mind. 
Since the child’s mother is a believer, and they don’t show that on TV now, we fully admit that the boy could have watched another action movie at night, listened to a fairy tale from his mother and had one such dream. Well two. And here, it seems, a whole diary has been collected, in which the same plot is repeated in the child’s dreams. And the same story is retold by other children. This is quite alarming and very strange, so let’s keep an eye on developments.
P.S. Remember that the world is divided into two realities and hell is not for everyone, if of course you remain only observers. Yosif Yorgov
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