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Illness is a departure from a life that is not one’s own

Illness is a departure from a life that is not one’s own

Illness is a departure from a life that is not one’s own

The traveler asked the elder:
— Tell me, what maintains a chronic disease?
“THOUGHTS…” came the answer.
— Why do people think so much about their illnesses?
“Because they NEED them…” the old man smiled.
– Do you need them? For what? — the traveler was amazed.
– For a break from the hustle and bustle. And what you DON’T WANT TO DO…
The traveler paused, pondering what he had heard.
– But if people go to doctors, does that mean they still want to get rid of them? – he said doubtfully.
“They want to get rid of UNPLEASANT SYMPTOMS,” the old man shrugged. – And not from diseases that protect them from themselves…
“From ourselves…” the interlocutor echoed. He shook his head and asked:
— Isn’t it possible to defend yourself somehow more productively?
– How?
— Right in the midst of illness, move away from everything you don’t like to do what you would like to do and what gives you pleasure in work, hobbies and in everyday life… Then the illness will turn from an assistant into something unnecessary and interfering, and, therefore, will begin to weaken… BUT CHANGING LIFE IS DIFFICULT… IT’S EASIER TO BE SICK… And having found a skilled doctor, periodically indulge in rest, plunging deeper and deeper into the disease.
“Hmmm…” the traveler thought. — What would you recommend to doctors in this regard?
– Do not concentrate on the consequences, but GO TO THE CAUSES. And motivate people to change, despite their fierce discontent and powerful resistance…–uhod-ot-ne-svoej-zizni
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