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May 10

May 10

Father Absolute – Two Realities (Crime must be stopped)
May 10, 2024

Hello, my dear beloved children!
Today we will continue the conversation about criminal acts against your children by representatives of the deep state.
In addition to harmful drugs called “vaccines,” in many countries around the world truly monstrous experiments are carried out on children, which not only cripple the child’s psyche, but also kill his natural nature.
And we are talking about a gender program that is being actively implemented everywhere, in which children are instilled with the idea that they themselves, at will, are able to change the gender assigned to them from birth.
Like the “vaccine,” this is already compulsory, since in many countries this topic has become part of the compulsory school curriculum.
As you can see, my dear ones, what just recently seemed to you something out of the ordinary—impossible and absurd—is very quickly being transformed by the globalists into a new “normal.”
Why do they implement this so quickly?
First of all, because they count on the very inertia of your thinking that we recently talked about.
They understand perfectly well that it is difficult for a normal person to believe that such fantastic and absurd ideas from common sense can be realized in ordinary life.
Therefore, they are trying to consolidate their gender program at the state level, implementing anti-human laws unnoticed by ordinary citizens.
And this crime can only be resisted together, by combining the efforts of parents, as well as honest and decent teachers who think not about their careers, but about the lives and health of their students.
Nowadays, enough statistical data has already accumulated about the terrible and irreversible consequences for children and adolescents who have become victims of such abuse of their bodies and psyches.
Unfortunately, for many fragile and gullible children’s minds, for whom teachers are the authority and the ultimate truth, such perversions really become attractive.
They perceive it as a game, and many like the fact that they, as adults, are given freedom of choice, and often secretly from their parents, with whom not all children develop close, trusting relationships.
Often such experiments are carried out on children even without the knowledge of their parents, and for this, globalists have developed an entire program to forcibly change the hormonal background of a child, which leads to his depersonalization – deprivation of the sex assigned to him at birth.
And this phenomenon is already widespread.
Therefore, it is necessary to take urgent action to stop the experiments on your children with the involvement of professional doctors, lawyers and scientists who can defend your interests at the highest level.
In fact, this new phenomenon in your life is nothing more than the veiled destruction of humanity as a species, and this crime must be stopped as soon as possible in all countries of the world.
This is where we will stop today.
The Father Absolute, who loves you immeasurably, spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on May 10, 2024
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