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Cracks in reality began to cause gaps in perceived time

Cracks in reality began to cause gaps in perceived time

Cracks in reality began to cause gaps in perceived time

For several years now, the phenomenon of time acceleration has been actively discussed on the Internet, when people feel that only a few minutes have passed while they were doing something, but when they look at their watch they are surprised to find that it took a much longer period. 
Examples were given of swimmers who held their breath and then, having emerged, found out that they had broken all world records 33 times, examples of monks whose prayer, designed to burn one candle, began to require two, and so on. However, it seems that something new has begun in our (?) gaming world. DAVID64 writes the following today:
This happened about a month ago and I wasn’t going to mention it, but since the issue was already discussed on ATS, I thought I’d post my experience as well.  Perhaps he belongs in the “paranormal”, but let the admins forgive me. Let’s see what you guys think.
All sorts of strange shit has happened in my life, but as far as I remember, nothing like this has ever happened before, so I’ll try to give as many details as possible.
It was about 4 o’clock in the afternoon and I decided to cook some food. I put the chicken in the oven over low heat, which takes about an hour for everyone. I set the timer for 50 minutes. Even two timers – one on the stove, for 50 minutes, the second on the phone in case I suddenly forget that I have food to prepare and I will be in another room and will not hear.
Since there was nothing to occupy myself with for 50 minutes, I took a coffee and went online. The computer is in my bedroom, so I also locked myself in there. This is a standard precaution for the bedroom, since my cats love to jump on the laptop keyboard. 
From the moment I set the timers, poured the coffee, came into the bedroom and closed the door, two or three minutes passed. I drank coffee for exactly 18 minutes while watching a video of some asshole on Youtube. Then I specially re-opened this video and made sure that I was not imagining that the goat explained for exactly 18 minutes. 
And so, when the goat finished explaining everything, the timer went off on my phone. According to my inner feeling,  the total time from setting the timer to the end of the video was approximately 20 minutes – I only looked at the timer under the video later. Therefore, when the timer on my phone went off, I decided that I had made a mistake with the time setting and, just in case, went to the kitchen to see if there was something wrong with the timer. However, as soon as I opened the bedroom door, I heard a beep from the kitchen. 
I thought there was something wrong with my head – I should have set two timers for 20 minutes. I looked into the oven, but wow, the chicken was perfectly cooked!
Then I thought again that this was probably some kind of special chicken. Or something broke in the oven and it was two hundred degrees warmer in the chamber. It was no longer possible to check the timer on the oven, but the timer on the phone was still there. Imagine my surprise when I discovered that the timer on the phone was set correctly, that is, for 50 minutes!
Thus, 30 minutes disappeared somewhere, as if they had never existed. 
 I admit, sometimes I, like all normal people, mow a little – I turn on the autopilot and run back and forth. Naturally, time passes faster on autopilot. But there are three confirmations: the timer on the phone, the timer in the oven and the finished chicken. And this video is 18 minutes long. This is all so freaking weird…
Under the video, as usual, a discussion ensued; medical experts with diplomas as road builders held a medical consultation and began to diagnose this David. However, medicine has nothing to do with it – specialists in telephones, ovens and culinary college graduates are needed here. The dude writes real things and he’s not the only one. 
The situation with gaps in the space-time continuum on planet Earth is not new – people sometimes disappear for weeks, after which they return with formatted brains. Sometimes a wrong turn throws comrades into another time, into another reality, into another universe, from where they then return 100 years later and claim that they were absent for 30 minutes. But these cases are extremely rare, newspapers write about this once a century, and all cases are very controversial – there is no way to verify their authenticity.
However, what David writes about is already very real. This is not reported every day, but the topic sometimes appears on forums, including on ATS. People don’t attach much importance to their experience, since no one sets up 33 timers and doesn’t also look at Youtube to control it – the sensations are purely intuitive and no one will write about this, lest they be laughed at as an idiot.
Therefore, the situation probably requires discussion and further observation. As our world is rebooted, such glitches with space-time should become more frequent and appear again and again, so we are monitoring the developments.
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