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Aliens are also preparing for three days of darkness

Aliens are also preparing for three days of darkness

Aliens are also preparing for three days of darkness

After a series of flares on May 14, the world is waiting for the arrival of the CME along the Parker Spiral Highway, and in the meantime the Sun decided to send two more X-greetings to its fellow earthlings:
Thus, in 24 hours there are only five X-class flares and, most likely, there will be more. This won’t cause the Carrington event, but the sky should shine like a Christmas tree for a few days. Meanwhile, sensitives continue to vang and warn:
Whitney Eslick Manuel: I had this dream about 4 weeks ago. I remember because it was about 2-3 weeks before May 10th when auroras started to occur worldwide (although not yet observed worldwide, nor in all countries). 
I live in South Carolina. Walking down the steps of the house and looking at the southern sky, I saw the moon as full, huge and pink. The moon was bigger than I’d ever seen in real life, just massive and a bright light pink color. He was surrounded by colorful lights, similar to neon lights in color, almost like watercolors painted around him. The moon was not only unnaturally large, but also very low, almost reaching the level of the horizon.
Apparently this caught my attention in the dream, so I stared at the scene. I then noticed, slightly off to the side of the Moon from my vantage point, a very small image of wavy neon green lights that I knew in the dream were aurora lights (though they didn’t look like the classic typical dancing aurora lights). So when I saw this in my dream, I wondered if this was the start of the 48 hour warning sign (48 hours of auroras around the world) before the 3 Days of Darkness arrived?
In the dream, I thought about calling my relatives in Oklahoma to see if there were auroras there, as that might be a confirmation. So in the dream I called my grandmother in Oklahoma and mentioned the auroras. She said they had been seeing the lights all over Oklahoma for days. Then I thought, should I tell her the prophecy about the dancing lights that will be seen around the world before the Three Days of Darkness? However, after thinking about it, I decided not to bother my grandmother again and stopped the conversation.
I decided to also call my eldest son, John, who works for the Department of Defense.  When I called my son in the dream, I told him about the aurora I saw and the auroras in Oklahoma, but I told him I wasn’t sure if this was the start of the 48-hour countdown. However, I reminded him, that this is the first time in our history that auroras have been seen in South Carolina. Then the dream ended.
This is not the first and not the last, most likely, a warning of this kind, and in general we already know that approximately 48 hours after the whole world is covered in red northern lights, we need to wait for trumpet sounds and three days of darkness. Whether they will happen this time, or whether we will have to observe many more such red aurora – we don’t know. However, brothers in mind are also concerned about all this:
This photo was taken by a certain John Davis from Wales , who had no intention of hunting for aliens, but simply decided to photograph the northern blue. And here it is necessary.
As it turned out, John was not the only one and his post was flooded with replies with the same thing – that is, plates that appeared against the background of an unusual color of the sky:
Brothers in mind also never cease to please professional ufologists every day:
India, May 4:
Argentina, May 4 – the object, we note, is very similar to the one John saw over Wales:

It seems that the brothers in mind are also preparing for something. It looks like three days of darkness will cover them too, so let’s keep an eye on developments.
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