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Why does a woman have no desire for sex

Why does a woman have no desire for sex

Why does a woman have no desire for sex?

Lack of sex drive is a problem that many women face at some point in their lives, but it is not a final sentence.
Low libido is a problem for the couple, whether it comes from the man’s side or the woman’s side. In fact, a woman’s sexual desire is like an unpredictable roller coaster – with highs and lows. Even natural changes in hormone levels during a woman’s menstrual cycle can affect libido, writes
In general, sexual desire is a complex thing because it is influenced by biological, psychological and social factors, while sex hormones (estrogen and testosterone) and neurotransmitters are what regulate it. In other words, whether or not you’re physically attracted to your partner is just one piece of a very intricate puzzle.
What are the possible reasons why a woman has a low libido?
Stress is the root cause of many ailments – lack of sleep, poor appetite, brain fog, as well as low libido. An endless list of responsibilities and chronic stress, sometimes combined with anxiety, is a recipe for a total lack of sexual desire.
If the decreased desire for sex is relatively recent and unusual for you, pay attention to the medications you are taking. Certain prescription drugs, most notably antidepressants, can negatively affect your sex drive.
Birth control pills
In addition to medications, birth control pills can also lead to low libido. Therefore, if you have reduced sexual desire and are taking hormonal contraception, discuss the problem with a doctor.
Hormonal imbalance
Research shows that limited testosterone production can lead to low libido in women, as testosterone is responsible for sexual arousal. Low estrogen levels are also a problem because estrogen is responsible for stimulating vaginal lubrication.
Lack of exercise
Exercise stimulates the body to release endorphins (known as happy hormones). Endorphins are also important for libido in women, which is why regular physical activity is good for sexual desire.
Similar to hormonal imbalance, menopause and perimenopause can also be causes of low libido. When women go through menopause and perimenopause, estrogen levels drop, leading to a lack of interest in sexual activity. It is no coincidence that menopause is also associated with vaginal dryness, which can make sex painful and, accordingly, lead to reluctance.
It is quite natural that when a man is very tired, his sexual desire is little or completely absent. According to a study, women who have quality sleep have a higher libido.
Medical illness
If there is a chronic illness and constant pain, it is natural that this constant discomfort will lead to a low libido.
Lack of foreplay
If penetrative sex is the main course, but foreplay is the appetizer all women need. Skipping or neglecting foreplay can also lead to low libido in unsatisfied women.
Sexual dissimilarity
People are different and get sexual pleasure in different ways. This is why sexual similarity is extremely important. However, if it is not on the face, it can also lead to a reduced libido in the woman.
Venelina Marinova
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